Move over ladies, you’re not the only ones who get a monthly hall pass to be bloated, irritable and permission to lash out on anything that has a pulse.
Move over ladies, you’re not the only ones who get a monthly hall pass to be bloated, irritable and lash out on anything that has a pulse. Turns out, men too suffer from a monthly occurrence with symptoms that resemble those of a female’s menstrual cycle.
A study of over 2,000 men and women found that a quarter of the men claimed to suffer from monthly “man periods,” which included, but weren’t limited to, cramps, hunger cravings, tiredness, bloating and everyone’s favorite, over sensitivity. That’s right, 12 percent of the male participants confessed they were more sensitive about personal weight during this monthly time and even suggested they suffered from “menstrual cramps.”
And it doesn’t stop there. The female companions of these suffering males also believe that their symptoms are not a hoax. In fact, 50 percent of females said they support their partners during these troubling times of the month by “trying to cheer them up,” or “walk on egg shells” — and Dr. Jed Diamond agrees.
Author of the book, The Irritable Male Syndrome, Dr. Diamond specializes in male social patterns and staunchly believes this condition exists.
"It is assumed that women are hormonal and men are moved more by logic," writes Diamond in his book. "But men have a number of hormonal cycles and these affect their level of energy, anger, sex drive and irritability."
"Contrary to what is often assumed, men become violent when their testosterone levels go down," Diamond continues, "and whilst we traditionally associate rage with high testosterone, I have found that irritability, depression and withdrawal come with a deficiency of the hormone."
Say what you must doctor, but we’re diagnosing this one as a simple side-effect of a mid-life crisis. We’ve been hungry, irritable and highly sensitive after watching too much Walking Dead for too long, but that’s not sound evidence to draw a conclusion that we’re suffering from a “man period.” Although, on second thought, being taken care of by our girlfriends once a month doesn't sound half bad.
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