Who needs a Canadian lover to live with after the apocalypse?
Everyone talks about moving to Canada if (when?) Trump becomes president, but we're thinking ahead. We want a girlfriend by the time we get there, so we have a pad to crash and someone to keep warm with during those cold Canadian nights.
Now we can. Because Tinder doesn't have an "international" setting, a few enterprising folks have helped make this a reality. Thanks to Maple Match, you can get hooking up with the Canuck of your dreams, build a lasting relationship and have a social network built by the time November rolls around.
From the site:
Maple Match makes it easy for Americans to find the ideal Canadian partner to save them from the unfathomable horror of a Trump presidency.
Right now, all you can do it get on the wait list, but it never hurts to row up your ducks just in case.
Maple Match CEO Joe Goldman tells Global News that the site saw a spike in traffic with sign-ups in recent days. Goldman told Global News that he hopes that site can inspire concrete connections through providing, "opportunities for like-minded Canadians and Americans to build meaningful relationships and escape the unfathomable horror of [a] Trump presidency."
It used to be a funny joke, but things have gotten depressingly real lately. Since people are too dumb not to vote for Trump, now we've finally gotten the back up plan we need to "make dating great again."
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