Warning: You're either going to get angry or cry into a pillow. Your choice …
Police forces around the nation are in crisis mode right now trying to clean up their image. If anything in this country is less favorable than the two people running for president, it's cops. And it's not like a shiny pop star just got caught licking a donut and hating America, either. This is a real issue with real lives at stake. But instead of obeying the law and not murdering people like the rest of us, forces around the U.S. are putting together cheeky campaigns to try and shift public morale.
Recently joining in on this task is the Denver Police Department. It went ahead and dropped a bunch of money to make a music video with a stuffed dog who got caught growing a bunch of weed that one time.
The silver lining in this, we guess, is that we're not paying out $6 million to another family because a public servant killed a prisoner. If we had to waste taxpayers' money, we'd choose music video over dead body any day.
Whether or not you should be angry or cry into a pillow is entirely up to you. Unfortunately, instead of fixing problems like grown-ups and owning up to the responsibility of authority, DPD feels like this is the best way for us to trust them again …
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