Each month, we set two daters up at a restaurant, give them free food and drinks, then wait for the magic to happen. This month’s Blind Date, we set Laura and Austin up at Gemini in Boulder. 

Meet The Daters!

Name: Laura 

Sign: Scorpio 

Current job:  I am a dispensary employee. I sell weed. 

Why are you going on Rooster’s Blind Date? For the lulz. My coworker always read them and convinced me to sign up. 

What’s a good way to win you over: Bringing weed. Sometimes I bring the weed, but if he brings the weed I’m extra swooned. 

Most irrational fear: Wasps. They sting and it hurts and they are little demon aliens, and I don’t like them! 

What’s your greatest strength: My creativity and imagination. 

Never have I ever: Backpacked. I haven’t had the gear or anyone to go with me yet. 

One thing about you no one would believe: I’m a really proficient shot with guns. Rifles are my strongest. 

Do you want kids?  No. 

What do you geek out on? Horror movies and weed. I’m really into the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It has no right to be as pretty of a movie as it is. 

Immediate red flags: If he’s into alpha bro podcasts. I wouldn’t say wanting kids is a red flag, but it’s definitely a put-off. Somebody who’s super career-oriented is a red flag for me. And if they don’t like SpongeBob. 

Immediate green flags: I love goofy, silly, little guys. Somebody who’s kind of focused on their health and wellness is a green flag. 

One thing you can’t live without? Hiking and mountains. I hike a lot even though I haven’t gone backpacking yet. A lot of day trips. 

Why did your last relationship end?  Incompatibility. Wanting different things, I suppose. 

Celebrity crush: Jeremy Allen White. 

Guilty pleasure: I really like dumb reality TV like Hoarders and My 600 Pound Life.  All that stuff fascinates me, but it’s trash. 



Name: Austin 

Sign: Cancer. 

Current job:  Data analyst. 

Why are you going on Rooster’s Blind Date? My friends at The Pub signed me up for it. 

What’s a good way to win you over: Be really funny, or be smarter than me. Being smart is really nice. 

Most irrational fear: Clowns. I saw the movie It when I was 8 and it really set it in after that. 

What’s your greatest strength: Kindness. 

Never have I ever: Jumped out of a plane. Never will. 

One thing about you no one would believe: I love to read. My roommates didn’t know I read until they saw me reading one night. I read every night for an hour at least. Usually, fiction or fantasy books. 

Do you want kids? Yes. Two or three.  

What do you geek out on? Sports. Snowboarding. Technology. 

Immediate red flags: How you act at a restaurant and how you are towards a server. Personal hygiene could be a big one, too. 

Immediate green flags: Good smile, has siblings, parents are together. Maybe that’s nit-picky, but that’s a green flag. 

One thing you can’t live without? Energy drinks or coffee. Yerba tea. Caffeine. Caffeine is necessary everyday. 

Why did your last relationship end?  They moved out of the country. No long distance for me. 

Celebrity crush: Right now, it’s Sydney Sweeney. 

Guilty pleasure: Ice cream. 

Round 1 

The leaves are changing, and the sun is setting earlier every day. Yep, it’s officially fall, and that means cuffing season is here. Laura and Austin are all smiles as they sip their wine. After they share an appetizer, we pull them apart to see how the date is going so far. 

How are things going so far? 

A: Good. She’s very nice and easy to talk to. She’s very interesting. 

L: So far, so good! We’re getting on pretty well. We’re both from the south. Texas and Florida. Another transplant. I wasn’t sure if I’d meet another local tonight. The conversation is going super smooth. He’s definitely a cutie patootie. 


What are your first impression of the dater? 

A: I wonder what she does for work. That was the first thing. I don’t know. I didn’t have a major first impression. 

L: I noticed the tattoo first. Like okay cool, he’s a tattooed individual. Seems well put together. I love the pink shirt. Not suave per se, but he’s very charming in conversation. 

What was the first thing you noticed about your date? 

A: Tattoos. She has a lot. I think that’s cool. 

L: That tattoo. I think it’s a cross. I saw tattoo ink on his hand. I thought okay somebody who has a tattoo in a very noticeable place. 


Is this the type of person you’d normally date?

A: No. Probably almost the opposite. She has a very different lifestyle compared to who I’ve dated before, and looks wise too. It’s probably a dealbreaker. 

L: Yeah. I’d swipe right, for sure. 

Where do you normally meet partners?

A: Out at bars or Hinge. The last girl was my neighbor, but she moved out of the country. 

L: It usually winds up being the apps which are just garbage fire normally. Or work, which is arguably even worse. I’ve rolled with Tinder for the longest, but I was on Field for a bit. That’s the “kinky” one. 


What are you most nervous about for tonight? 

A: I don’t know if I was really nervous at all. I wasn’t nervous about anything. I was nervous if it was going to suck, but it’s been fun. 

L: I was super nervous about if I’m going to be awkward and weird. Am I going to be attracted to this person? Are we going to vibe? I’m feeling really good now. It feels just like any other date. Actually, a good one, too! Hasn’t been awkward or I haven’t seen any red flags or anything. We still have a whole main course to get through. 


Did you get any advice for the date? 

A: My friends made me dress nice. I always dress nice, but they were very specific about what to wear.

L: Not really, no. My coworkers were telling me to get lucky basically. 


How did you prepare for the date?

A: I got home from work at 5:45 and showered and ran over. Got off work and just came over. 

L: I scoped out the menu and I wanted not to have decision paralysis. I tried on three outfits. And I kind of gave myself a car pep talk with a little bit of weed. Take a quick hit and dive into it. 

How did your date dress tonight?

A: Good. I like that style. It’s casual but also really nice. It’s a nice style. I like that. 

L: I think super well. I love the pink. It brings out his eyes really well. He’s got pretty blue eyes.  I love a guy that can dress to fit himself. 


What are you looking forward to in the next round?

A: Having good conversation and to get to know each other more. 

L: To continue on the conversations and see where things go. Learn more about the stories. I’ve already gotten some good stories. 


Round 2: 

Sounds like Laura likes Austin’s charm, and Austin thinks Laura’s tattoos are pretty cool. But is there a spark? We’re seeing it from Laura’s side, but Austin doesn’t seem to be reciprocating. At least they are enjoying each other’s company and finding plenty of topics to talk about. After they devour their rib eyes, we check in again eager for an update. 


How was dinner at Gemini?

A: Really good. It’s a nice environment, the dishes were very well plated, and the food was cooked to exactly how I asked. It’s very impressive, actually. 

L: It was super good. It was way better than I expected. The steak was my favorite part. 

How’s the date going?


A: Good. It’s a nice flowing conversation. 

L: Really good. I’m having a good time. I feel like the conversation has been not forced in any way which I think is super great. That’s my biggest complaint on a date, if we have nothing to talk about. But it’s been good vibes, causal and good stories. Nothing crazy. 

Do you two have anything in common? 

A: Yeah, somewhat. We’re both from the south, both moved to Boulder three years ago. Both like to get outdoors. Both go to the gym. Both meal prep. Both having annoying roommates. Mine are my best friends, but they are awful roommates. 

L: Seems like it. Seems like some of the Colorado lifestyle overlap. A lot of outdooring and stuff. And the whole being from relatively similar areas seems to be the vibe. We’re talking about heat and humidity.


What do you like about your date? 

A: I like the conversation. It’s really easy to have a conversation about a lot of different subjects, good eye contact, and were very focused on each other which is cool.  

L: I think he’s really sweet, super cute and seems to have good life experiences. 


What do you not like about your date?

A: Nothing really. She’s not my type of person I would date, but as a person she seems like a great person. 

L: Honestly, I can’t think of anything off rip. Nothing that would seem super nit-picky or weird to me. 


What’s the most attractive thing your date has done so far?

A: That’s a tough question. Huh. Most attractive thing? Probably ordering a steak. That’s a green flag. Salad would have been a red flag. 

L: He also got the steak and got it medium rare and not well done. 


How would your parents feel about the dater? 

A: I think they would both have different opinions. My dad wouldn’t be excited. She’s short. My mom would be surprised, but I think my mom would like her. She’d have a good conversation with my mom. My mom is way more chill. My dad is uptight and likes things specific. About the tall thing, my parents are very tall. I’m the shortest person in my family. It feels awful. I’m reminded of it all the time. I didn’t get the right genes. My sisters are shorter than me, but they don’t count. I’m the shortest guy in generations. My grandpa tells me all the time. 

(Hes 6’ 2” btw )

L: I think probably positive. Positive vibes. My dad likes to see me with someone who’s very well put together and buttoned up. He thinks I’m a wild child or something. I am. 

What’s been the best part of the date so far?

A: I think the whole thing has been good the whole time. Good food. Good conversation. It’s good to have a nice drink and an overall good time. 

L: The flow of the conversation and the vibes have been super easy going. I don’t feel awkward. I get social anxiety super easy. It didn’t even feel like it was that long waiting for our food. 


What could make the date better? 

A: I don’t know. I think it’s been pretty good. I don’t think there’s anything that would have made it outright better. 

L: Maybe a chance to smoke. He said he casually partakes. I’d like to pass a joint back and forth to see where that led. 

How’s the chemistry on a scale of 1 to 10? 

A: On a person to person level, it’s a 7. But she’s not my type, so for me, it’s been more of a friendly conversation, so I don’t know if the chemistry is really there. But she’s a great person. I’ve very much enjoyed the conversation. 

L: I would say probably a 7.7. To be lower it would have to be stale and awkward and basic and he’d have to be bland and boring and he hasn’t been. The only thing that would make it better is to go on and see. 


Where would you like the night to go from here?

A: I guess we’re ordering dessert.  And have a good conversation and end the date on a good note. There probably won’t be a second date. 

L: I don’t know. Open heart, open mind. I don’t have any expectations, but I’d be willing to take it further than the restaurant. 


Round 3: 

I’m sorry, but we are stuck on the height thing. Austin is 6’ 2”. Statistically speaking, he is taller than 94% of all men. We can’t help but to feel somewhat sorry for Austin’s generational trauma of being a ‘small’ man, despite being an impressive height. While we are leaving Gemini, we overhear Austin telling Laura that she’s not the one for him. Feeling slightly defeated, yet again, we check in the next day to see if there are any updates. 

What happened after Rooster left? 

A: We left Gemini and went our separate ways.

L: Pretty much right away (and he was so polite about it), he told me he had a great time but I wasn’t his type, so he wasn’t interested in going on any future dates. So, we kind of walked out in the same direction and went our separate ways. He was super kind and very up front which I appreciate. It didn’t tarnish the good times. 


What was the best part of the date and why? 

A: Sitting down and getting to meet someone new, especially over good food is always a great time.

L: Having the opportunity to sit down with somebody completely random and have a nice meal and a good conversation. It felt super cool not to be eating dinner alone and get a perspective from a different person. 



Would you have changed anything about the date?

A: Nothing.  We had great food and nice conversations.

L: Probably not. I had a really good time. Even though we didn’t fall madly in love, I still think it was a great experience. 


Was there a goodnight kiss, hug or exchange of numbers? 

A: Just a hug but no numbers exchanged.  

L: We did a side huge. A very platonic vibe. 


Will there be a second date? 

A: No second date. 

L: I don’t think so.  


Any advice for future blind daters? 

A: Just do it. It could be awful, it could be incredible, but you’ll never know if you don’t go.

L: Show up, be your best self and dive into it. The worst that can happen is you get some free food, and you get to talk to somebody for a little while. It’s not too bad. 



Another month, another platonic Blind Date. Laura and Austin didn’t drive off into the autumn sunset making plans for the holidays and naming their future pets. But, they both enjoyed each other’s company and loved the food at Gemini. It could have been (and it has been) a lot worse!

Are you single? Do you like free food and drinks and meeting new people? Click HERE to sign up for a Rooster Blind Date!