With a new album fresh on the racks and a winter world tour in the works, it’s only appropriate that Pepper’s next course of action be answering our barrage of professionally immature questions. Bassist and vocalist Brett Bollinger stepped up to the plate for a little touch and tickle in this month’s 20 questions.
With a new album fresh on the racks and a winter world tour in the works, it’s only appropriate that Pepper’s next course of action be answering our barrage of professionally immature questions. Bassist and vocalist Brett Bollinger stepped up to the plate for a little touch and tickle in this month’s 20 questions.
1. If you weren’t musicians, what would you do?
We would definitely own and operate a very upscale restaurant somewhere in Europe where we would always give people "the perfect amount of pepper" on their food every time.
2. Where were you the first time you heard one of your songs on the radio?
In Kona 10 years ago, and when we heard the DJ talk about the song he said, "We hope you liked that last song by the local band Pepper. I had never heard of them until one of their dads just forced his way into the radio station just now and told us that he wasn't leaving until we played their kid’s music." We have a very supportive family!
3. Best advice you’ve received:
"Leave it all on the stage, every time."
4. Most embarrassing song on your iPod:
The “Miami Vice” theme song.
5. Would you rather give up cheese or oral sex?
6. Do you have any pre-show rituals?
Yoga, gambling and finding ways to torment our tour manager.
7. To save humanity, you need to sleep with either Miley Cyrus or Lindsay Lohan, which one would you sleep with and why?
Definitely want to save the world, so I would take one for the team by nailing Cyrus, as I've already "saved the world" with Lohan a few years back … but that probably contributed to the current global crisis, so for that I apologize.
8. Favorite part about touring:
Seeing all your fans across the world a couple times a year is the best part.
9. Least favorite part about being a full-time musician:
Not sleeping in your own bed for months at a time.
10. Drink of choice:
African (south) eggnog.
11. Best groupie pick-up line you’ve heard:
"Is this the women's bathroom?"
12. What musicians/bands inspire you?
All of the ones we play with inspire us in some form or shape.
13. It’s 4 a.m. and you’ve just finished a wild night, what are you eating?
I'm eating crow and searching through the refrigerator on the tour bus or hotel room, but hopefully room service is still operating.
14. Worst job you’ve ever had:
Selling narcotics.
15. If you could have a beer with anyone, who would it be?
I'd have a few with Jesus.
16. What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Eating at a random deli in Rochester, N.Y.
17. Favorite movie quote:
"War is hell. The last thing we need … is a fiiiiiiiiight."
18. Most looking forward to:
Our 2014 world tour.
19. Worst live show experience:
Falling off the stage and getting a concussion.
20. Any regrets?
Not on your life; just very grateful!
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