We love Halloween as much as the next mag, but sometimes, people's undying love for Halloween gets just a little too…undying. Here are 14 people who love Halloween more than anything you've ever loved in your life.

We love Halloween as much as the next mag, but sometimes, people's undying love for Halloween gets just a little too…undying. Here are 14 people who love Halloween more than anything you've ever loved in your life.

1. Heidi Klum. She really loves Halloween, you guys.

photo - Heidi Klum - Halloween costume - human muscle anatomy

2. Luke Skywalker one one of those space llama things. Seriously though, what the fuck is in there? We could spend our lives just wondering…

photo - star wards costume - luke skywalker

3. We don't know what this is…but we do know where all our Post Its went, so there's that

photo - post it man - Halloween costume

4. Heidi Klum? You again? Dressed as a concept instead of a thing? There's no helping you…

photo - Heidi Klum - snake heart costume

5. Mini-Heidi Klum/ ruiner of this guy's day…

photo - mermaid monster Halloween costume

…or this?


6. …Lady Gaga? Gutter Cleaner? Short Guy Who Hates Being Short But Today He Is Tall So Everyone Deal With It?

photo - half man half machine costume

7. This beautiful little miracle of life/ poster-child for contraception

photo - contraception costume - giving birth costume

8. This old-timey family from the 1920's who weren't not entirely sure isn't a family of flesh eating elephant-men

photo - old school halloween costume

9. This guy who's a little too proud of his banana tip that looks like a pen15

photo - banana penis halloween costume

10. This menstrual vampire who's also probably ten

photo - menstrual vampire costume

11. Goddamn it! Heidi Klum's back, and she inexplicably loves Halloween more than ever. Does everyone here understand how much she loves Halloween? She needs a 12-step program stat. Also…that silver thing is Seal.

photo - Halloween - Heidi Klum

12. You know you've taken Halloween too far when you're gone beyond wearing a costume to just diving headfirst into a bucket of paint because you just can't contain your joy

photo - Halloween Costume - blue man

13. Not even Heidi Klum can reach the Halloween love-level of this stay-at-home Dad who maaaybe had a little too much time on his hands

gif- transformer dad costume with baby

14. Not a costume, but a Halloween driveway decoration set up by one guy who's just REALLY in the holiday spirit right now

photo - hit and run Halloween prank

14. Okay, that's IT. Heidi Klum, you're banned from Halloween forever

photo - Heidi Klum - Halloween