Each month, we set two daters up at a restaurant, give them free food and drinks, then wait for the magic to happen. This month’s Blind Date, we set Lianne and Zach up at High Country in Boulder. 

Meet the Daters!

Name: Lianne

Sign: Aquarius

Current job: Venue director and private chef. 

Why are you going on Rooster’s Blind Date? Why not? 

What’s a good way to win you over: Good dinner, good drinks, good conversation. 

Most irrational fear:  The dark mysteries of deep water. 

What’s your greatest strength: It’s a strength and a weakness – wearing my heart on my sleeve. 

Never have I ever:  Eaten sea urchin. I’ve heard mixed reviews, but I have to try everything once. 

One thing about you no one would believe:  I have two belly buttons. 

Do you want kids? Unsure. I’m open to it. I don’t want the option of no kids, though. I don’t want to be with someone who definitely doesn’t want kids. 

What do you geek out on? Anything food and hospitality related. Curated dinners, menus, food, wine. All that stuff. 

Immediately red flags: A lack of conversation in the sense that they are just talking about themselves the whole time and it doesn’t feel like an actual conversation. And a lack of similar interests. 

Immediate green flags: Similar interests. Somebody else that feels compassionate, somebody that’s driven and passionate about their hobbies or career. 

One thing you can’t live without? Food, especially Asian cuisine. 

Why did your last relationship end? He cheated on me. Fuck cheaters! 

Celebrity crush: I like the older men. George Clooney. I like silver foxes. Can you tell I like ‘em older? 

Guilty pleasure: Champagne and oysters. 



Name: Zach. Zacharia and Zacharias if you count my Jewish names. I have two. I had two Bar Mitzvahs. 

Sign: Pisces. 

Current job: Leasing manager. 

Why are you going on Rooster’s Blind Date? I say yes to crazier things every single day. 

What’s a good way to win you over: Show passion for the little things in life. 

Most irrational fear: Snakes. I don’t trust armless lizards. If they have arms I’m good. If you’ve ever drawn eyebrows and arms on snakes they don’t look intimidating. I just don’t trust ‘em. 

What’s your greatest strength: If you ask my buddy, Adam, it’s catching really small trout. 

Never have I ever: Stolen two fancy beer glasses from a bar in Tel Aviv. 

One thing about you no one would believe:  That I didn’t steal one glass from that bar. 

Do you want kids? At least two. And they are all getting their own dogs. 

What do you geek out on? Absolutely everything in my life. All my hobbies. The hobbies change by the season. This weekend I’ll be spending my entire time climbing around mountains, shooting my bow and fly fishing. 

Immediate red flags: A real can’t do attitude. If they are not confident in themselves it’s going to be really tough for me. 

Immediate green flags: Pocket bacon. 

One thing you can’t live without? All of my outdoor gear. If I don’t have that I’m not able to live my life to the fullest. 

Why did your last relationship end? We really just weren’t on the same page. We had a lot of very compatible characteristics, but they didn’t all align and they needed to. 

Celebrity crush: Veronica Paulsen the first woman to backflip into Corbet’s Couloir. 

Guilty pleasure: Honestly I don’t feel guilty about any of my pleasures, but probably listening to Break My Heart by Dua Lipa. I feel a little guilty about that.


Round 1

We arrive at one of Boulder’s newest restaurants, High Country, on a perfect summer evening excited to see what they’ve done with the place. We meet Zach who’s already at the bar sipping a beer. We love a man who comes early. Lianne arrives looking stunning and hungry. After a cocktail or two, we pull them aside to get the scoop.

How are things going so far? 

Z: Honestly, really good. We’ve spent more time talking than eating so that’s usually a good sign. 

L: Good. I feel like there’s fluid conversation. Exciting topics that we’re talking about and interested in talking about. And we have similar interests. 


What are your first impressions of the dater? 

Z: I really liked her skirt and tattoos. 

L: I don’t want to be mean. He looks too young. He’s kind of young for me. I just generally go for older guys. Too young but he looks very nice. 

What was the first thing you noticed about your date? 

Z: Probably the skirt and tattoos! 

L: He looked well put together


Is this the type of person you’d normally date?

Z: I wouldn’t say I have a normal person to date. I go off personality. People who are truly passionate about what they do are the ones to catch my eye. 

L: No. Just no. 


Where do you normally meet partners?

Z: Usually mutual connections. 

L: I hate dating apps, but sometimes dating apps. I feel like I’ve been on 50 first dates from dating apps but only a few second and third dates. Or in person. Some of my past partners are someone I’ve worked with or I’ve met at shows. I love live music.


What are you most nervous about for tonight? 

Z: Forgetting to pack my waders for this weekend. I’m like Rory because the only thing that makes me nervous is three foot putts. 

L: The interview. I feel like I can get along with anybody. I’m an expert first dater. But answering interview questions makes me nervous. But here I am doing it! 

Did you get any advice for the date? 

Z: No. I usually am the one giving advice not receiving it. My entire office knows I’m here. 

L: Just have fun and be myself. 


How did you prepare for the date?

Z: Fledged a couple dozen arrows, organized my fly box, and reverse seared a 20oz ribeye. It’s what I do for every date. 

L: I didn’t. I ran from work. I work around the corner. Got out of a call and ran here. 


How did your date dress tonight?

Z: She looks very cute. 

L: Clean cut and preppy. I like them a little more rugged. With some facial hair. 


What are you looking forward to in the next round?

Z: Probably eating more than talking, but I don’t think we’re going to stop talking. I’m hungry. I skipped lunch today. 

L: We’ve been having really great conversations so just talking more about our similar interests. Outdoors stuff. I would like for him to ask me more questions. I am asking him most of the questions.

Round 2

Wow. Has Zach been camping? Because he is intense. The eye contact pierces straight to our souls. Somehow, that doesn’t seem to bother Lianne. Are they similar, or are their personalities a bit too much to mesh romantically? We send them back with two tequila shots, hopeful that they find some common ground.

How was dinner at High Country? 

Z: Pretty good. I really enjoyed my power bowl. I don’t know if that was what it’s called. How did you enjoy yours? What did you get? (Rooster note – it’s called the Summit Bowl. And Zach reached over and took a bite of our brisket.) 

L: Delicious. I really liked the pork belly bites. I got the Mushroom Burger sandwich and it was really good too. What did you guys end up getting? 

How’s the date going?

Z: I’ve enjoyed every second of tonight. I am the kind of person who enjoys every second of every day of every minute. I get paid to meet people and show them a good time so it’s in my nature. I’m in the right career. I started in chemical engineering. I have the brain for it, but I was a dynamo out there. They were not prepared for me to come into class every day and crack jokes like I did. 

L: Good. I can get along with anybody, we’re having a great conversation and fun times. He’s a lot more fun than I thought. The tequila is helping. I like him and everything, but I am physically not attracted to him. To give you the blunt honesty here. 


Do you guys have anything in common? 

Z: We have a ton in common. But it’s not necessarily what I’m looking for in a partner. 

L: Yeah, I think that we both love music, outdoors, and a lot of classic Colorado things. Food. A lot of commonalities, but the physical attraction is just not there for me. Chemistry is important. 


What do you like about your date? 

Z: Oh my god, she’s got great music taste, she has incredible cooking skills, she’s outgoing, she’s very caring and she loves dogs. She rescued dogs.  That’s huge. And she’s very easy going and understands what really matters. 

L: The surprise that he actually was down for the tequila shot and then he ordered a second, after he said he’s not much of a drinker. 


What do you not like about your date?

Z: There’s not a single thing not to like about Lianne. 

L: I’m just not physically attracted to him, but I’m not going to say that makes me not like the date. I’m having a great time. The physical part is a dealbreaker. If he asked me on a second date, I would say no. But, I would maybe hang out with him as a friend. 


What’s the most attractive thing your date has done so far?

Z: Oh my god. I can sit here talking about her cooking all day. When she was describing what she would do to a rack of lamb. OHHH. That’s what dreams are made of right there. That rack of lamb sounded delicious. 

L: Talking about music. The way he was rereferring to music. Let’s leave it at that. 

How would your parents feel about the dater? 

Z: I think they would tell me exactly what they’ve told me about every girl I’ve ever dated. And it’s that they do not have the direct hobbies and lifestyle that match my own personality. But they would love her as a person. 

L: My mom is all about a name. She wants to know who I’m dating by their name. I don’t understand it. Why does she care about his name so much?! It’s a first name thing. I have no fucking idea what she would think of the name Zach. My mom would approve of my description of the experience. But I think she would see him and understand that he’s not my type. 


What’s been the best part of the date so far?

Z: The overall chemistry while talking. Talking is one of the things I excel at, but we’ve talked all night. I didn’t get close to finishing any of my food. She went round two on tequila shots. That’s huge. And I think she’s a fascinating person to talk to. 

L: The tequila shots. I know the bars in Boulder don’t have shitty well tequila, unless you got to The Outback, so I trust that their well is totally fine. I found out it’s Dorado. 


What could make the date better? 

Z: More dad jokes. 

L: More tequila. He feels like a brotherly friend to me. 


How’s the chemistry on a scale of 1 to 10? 

Z: I would probably say a 7 or an 8, but I’m looking for a 10. 

L: Like I said, I can get along with a lot of people. I think that my mistake is that I go on a lot of first dates and people read my energy wrong because I’m very friendly. There’s not really any chemistry there for me. I’d give it a one. Maybe a two, to be nice. Give it a two. He’s going to read this later. 


Where would you like the night to go from here?

Z: Ideally me going home and packing for the next three days as I have way too much stuff to do. 

L: To my dog who’s waiting for me to feed her dinner. Maybe to The Pub by myself.

Round 3

Tequila, tequila, tequila. But hey, the date’s going smoothly, everyone’s having a good time, and the food was amazing. Have we mentioned the tequila yet? We sneak off into the night, thirsty for some tequila, and catch up with them on Monday to see what (and how much tequila) we missed.


What happened after Rooster left? 

Z: Nothing too wild. We just talked for a little while longer and said our goodbyes. 

L: We finished our drinks and said our goodbyes. I went to Rosetta Hall to say hi to some friends. 



What was the best part of the date and why? 

Z: When she surprised me with tequila shots. I’m not the biggest drinker anymore but it was a good change of pace for me and led to a lot of fun conversation. 

L: The tequila shots because it lightened the mood and it made it more fun. 


Would you have changed anything about the date?

Z: Nope!

L: No, I don’t think so. I genuinely had a good conversation and a good time. The food was good. There was not a physical attraction, but I could see more of a friend vibe. 


Was there a goodnight kiss, hug or exchange of numbers? 

Z:  No kiss and I didn’t ask for her number. She is wonderful but not quite what I am looking for in my next partner. 

L: Just a hug. That’s it. No numbers. 


Will there be a second date? 

Z: There will not be a second date but if I ever see her again I’ll buy her a glass of wine and catch up!

L: No. There won’t. 

Any advice for future blind daters? 

Z: Just have fun meeting your date!

L: Be yourself and have fun! 


You know what? We’re going to consider this date a win. We’re going to celebrate with Casamigos in honor of our daters. It might not have been a 10 for Zach, and it definitely wasn’t a 10 for Lianne, but it seems like they both enjoyed their time together, or at least their tequila together. We’ll drink to that!

Are you single? Do you enjoy free food and drinks?

Click HERE to submit your name for a Blind Date!