Getting catcalled is usually awkward and uncomfortable …unless those cat calls aren't being embroidered into fantastically emasculating decorative needleworks! And that's exactly what Elana Adler did with her series of samplers called "You Are My Duchess."

Getting catcalled is usually awkward and uncomfortable …unless those cat calls aren't being embroidered into fantastically emasculating decorative needleworks! And that's exactly what Elana Adler did with her series of samplers called "You Are My Duchess."

A sampler, by the way, is a decorative needlework often included in a dowry as proof of the thrillz and skillz a wife brings to the table. By positioning these baffling sex heckles within the context of samplers, Elana makes the roles women are expected to play in society as clear as a teenager's skin after four-to-six weeks of Proactiv.

From her site:

This is intended to be provocative and evoke emotion. It is a contemporary feminist interpretation of women’s work and an objectification of my personal experience. Each captures a moment, giving these words a visual presence, a power, and a state of concreteness. These words were hurled casually and heard quickly but required hours of time-consuming, careful stitching.

The physically delicate, traditionally feminine, form of the piece engages the viewer and confronts him/ her with a sweetness that may mask its crassness and vulgarity.

You read one sampler. Perhaps you are amused, but as you continue reading and consider the body as an entire collection, the response changes. The inherent filth emerges. It is a beautification of an assault. Perhaps in the moment these statements are meant to compliment, but most don’t find vulgar, highly sexualized statements whispered or screamed at them by random strangers complimentary. Rather, they are an invasion of personal space.

The body of samplers is a contemporary and unexpected response to unsolicited and unwanted attention. They reduce the complex emotional experience of being heckled by catcalls to a simple piece of women’s work.

That's a strong ass message, and for that, #respect. But apart from being a stringent social commentaries, her samplers are also hilarious little quips that would be great to hang in your remote Connecticut cottage, medical marijuana club headquarters, or any Urban Outfitters store display.

Of course, men who cat call are really saying a lot more than "YOU VERY NICE LEGGY BLONDE MISTRESS" … their catcalls reveal a delirious amount of information about themselves, as you can see in the video below.

Well, that'll teach us to yell "What's your blood type and familial heritage?!" at every 4 out of 10 or above we see.