Each month, we set two daters up at a restaurant, give them free food and drinks, then wait for the magic to happen. This month's Blind Date, we set Bri and Shanon up for a special night at Elevated Seltzer.
Meet The Daters

Current Job: Middle school teacher, seventh grade
Last concert: Khruangbin at Red Rocks
Favorite junk food: Girl Scout Cookies
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Do you want kids? Yeah
What’s your type: Someone who’s independent and creative. Determined. Free thinker.
Deal Breakers: Not being forthright. Dishonesty.
Last relationship: My last serious relationship ended in February 2019.
What did you learn from it? Be forthright with your expectations and feelings.
Celebrity Crush: Natalie Portman
Guilty pleasure: Trash TV on Bravo

Current Job: Digital Marketing for a Travel Company
Last concert: Pigeons Playing Ping Pong
Favorite junk food: Boneless Buffalo Wings
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Do you want kids? Yeah, I think so.
What’s your type: People with a sense of humor, good taste in music, and like to have a good time.
Deal Breakers: Rudeness, having no backbone, people who eat the same food everyday.
Last relationship: A year and a half ago.
What did you learn from it? For a relationship to work you have to really want to be with the person you’re with not the person they’d become.
Celebrity Crush: Sean Penn
Guilty pleasure: Tequila … shots
The night is set. The seltzer is flowing. The daters arrive on the brisk evening not knowing what is about to unfold. After a few cocktails and awkward introductions, we pull them aside to ask about first impressions.
What are you most nervous about for tonight?
B: Feeling like I’m going to need to put on a show and not really being myself.
S: Me being awkward.
Where do you normally meet potential partners?
B: Friends of friends or out at concerts.
S: Through mutual friends or going out to bars.
Why do you think you’re a catch?
B: I think I have some cool stuff going on in my life. I think I’m a good time.
S: I think I’m caring, respectful, and understanding. And cute.
What are you looking for in a partner?
B: He needs well informed opinions and isn’t a dick. Good taste in music. Lets me do my own thing.
S: Someone who is almost like a best friend.
What makes for a successful relationship?
B: Knowing how to really communicate effectively. How to convey your ideas and to be able to acquiesce to the other person.
S: Communication. Honesty. Fun.
Did you get any advice for this date?
B: No, just a lot of enthusiasm.
S: Be yourself, nothing to lose. The worse thing you get out of it is a free meal.
How did you prepare for the date?
B: I came straight from work so I put on lipstick and tried to be here on time… and I failed.
S: I did nothing really.
What was the first thing you noticed about your date?
B: That he seems very clean and put together.
S: Loved her outfit. Great jacket.
Are you attracted to your date?
B: Mildly. We’ll see.
S: Sure, yes. There’s not a spark just yet, but we’ll see.
What are your first impressions?
B: Very nice. He’s very respectful and interested in the conversation and not just waiting for his turn to talk.
S: Very cute and down to earth.
There’s slight hesitation among the daters but nothing a few more cocktails can’t remedy. The daters finish their delicious pizza pin-rolls before we pull them aside to see how things have progressed.
How was dinner?
B: It was good. We just had apps.
S: Good. I’m hungry.
How’s the chemistry on a scale of 1 to 10?
B: I feel like it’s an 8. I’ve learned a lot more real things about him as time has gone on.
S: 6 or so. Not crazy, but the conversation is good.
Do you guys have anything in common?
B: Literature and life outlooks. He’s definitely more outdoorsy than me.
S: Stephen King. Reading. Staying determined.
Are there any deal breakers so far?
B: I don’t think so.
S: No. She is five years older than me. I’m not intimidated.
What’s something interesting you’ve learned about your date?
B: How he moves through life wanting to make a difference in the world. It’s extremely unique.
S: That she’s lived in Colorado a lot longer than me and traveled more than me.
What would your mom say about them?
B: He seems very with it, so they’d be stoked.
S: My mom and dad would both say she’s cute.
Overall, how’s the date going?
B: I think it’s going really well.
S: It’s going great. I’m really enjoying our conversation.
How does he compare to other guys you’ve dated?
B: He’s very different. Very intellectual.
S: Much different in terms of demeanor and conversation. Her head is screwed on much tighter than my other partners.
Is Elevated Seltzer a good place for a date?
B: It is. I’m not a huge fan of seltzers, but their cocktails are awesome.
S: Totally, if Geoff is your server.
Where do you see the night going?
B: I’d be down to go and grab a drink after this and see what this town has to offer.
S: Not sure, but I’m liking our conversation. Nothing crazy though.
Both daters say the date is going really well, but we’re still unsure if there's a spark. We leave the daters on their own for the rest of the evening. The next day, we catch up to see how things ended.
What happened after Rooster left?
B: We finished our drinks and kept talking until the bartender started closing things down.
S: We hung out a little bit longer and discussed the importance of advocating for yourself.
Did Rooster find a match?
B: No, not this time.
S: I’d say Rooster found a match of like-minds, but not a romantic match.
Was there a good bye kiss?
B: Nope.
S: No goodbye kiss.
Would you have changed anything about the date?
B: I wish we ordered a pizza.
S: I would have liked to be able to select the age range of my date.
Would you go on a second date with them?
B: No, Shanon was cool and interesting, but there wasn’t much chemistry between us.
S: I think I’d hang out with her at a concert or something like that but not a “date-date.”
Overall, how was the date?
B: I’ve had way worse Wednesday nights.
S: I had a nice night with good conversation.
Is there anything you want to end with?
B: If you think you don’t like alcoholic seltzers, try them in a cocktail – it might surprise you!
S: Shout out to Rooster for footing the bill and Geoff for his awesome service at the bar.
You win some and you lose some, this time around, we lost one. It felt good out of the gates but somewhere the flame was extinguished along with our hopes. Love is fickle. We’ll drink another seltzer, dust ourselves off, and continue our search for the next great match!
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