
Hometown: Lyons, Colo.
Age: 35
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Current job: Uber driver
Guilty pleasure: Pop music. Katy Perry is my favorite.
Celebrity crush: Jennifer Anniston
Pets: No pets, live with some dogs (3).
First concert: 311, Red Rocks
Most recent concert: Gorgon City
What’s your type? Intellectual, attractive, kind.
My friends would describe me as: Engaging, uplifting, adventurous.
Fun fact: I like turtles.


Hometown: Thornton, Colo.
Age: 35
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Current job: Director of Training at a medical company
Guilty pleasure: Spaghettios
Celebrity crush: Jake Gyllenhaal
Pets: Dog and cat: Lola (dog) and Gunner (cat).
First concert: Smash Mouth
Most recent concert: BROCKHAMPTON
What’s your type? Athletic, funny, smart.
My friends would describe me as: Very outgoing and friendly.
Fun fact: I still have two baby teeth.


If you’ve stared at the name of this bar and thought, “Hmm, they couldn’t possibly have … ,” prepare to eat those words! Because you’re g’dang right it’s an entire pub dedicated to Corgis. Those cute little floor-scrapers are just the thing for us to get a few singles acquainted around. And with menu items like the Totchos and Corgi Club, it just may work.

Describe your dating life in three words: 
Kris: On. Cloud. Three.
Kate: Up and down.

Have you ever been on a blind date before?
Not completely blind like this.
Kate: Not this blind. The other one I had seen his picture first and we were introduced by a mutual friend. It was fun but it didn’t turn into much.

Where do you usually meet potential partners?
Dating apps or out at bars.
Kate: Lately it’s been online. Hinge and Bumble.

What’s your pickup strategy?
Walk up, be awkward, hope they like it.
Kate: Be myself.

Are there any weird dating stories from the past that you’d like to share?
None that I’d like to share. [laughs]
Kate: One time a date ended over a disagreement about A Star is Born.

What were you thinking before your Rooster Blind Date?
I was nervous, excited, didn’t know what to expect.
Kate: I hope this goes well, I’m a little nervous.

Did your friends give you any advice before the date?
Be someone else!
Kate: No! They should have! 

What are you looking for with a partner?
Someone who is open minded and challenges me just enough
Kate: I want a balanced partnership, intellectually, financially, physically, a give and take. I’m looking for a balance between two people.

What does a perfect day look like for you?
Snowboarding, dancing, Guitar Hero.
Kate: I get to sleep in, wake up to a cup of coffee, go skiing for half a day, come home, play with my dog, have a beer, have dinner with friends. 

What does your ideal date look like?
Doing something fun like 1Up and connecting beyond the generic questions.
Kate: I actually kind of think trivia is a perfect date, cause you’re getting drinks but you still get to be competitive and have fun. Plus you get to see if they’re smart.

How are the first impressions?
Good, she’s super nice, interesting, engaging.
Kate: He’s tall, and smells really good. 


No wild pack of Corgis in sight, but Kris and Kate seem to be hitting it off about as well as anyone can hope. No tears, no fake texts to a “roommate who’s suddenly sick.” We’d hate to jinx it, but this one may go the distance. After a few bites to eat, we pull them aside to ask about the what’s what. 

How’s it going overall?
Really good.
Kate: Definitely good.

What are you two talking about?
Social media and travel and cereal.
Kate: We’ve talked about a lot, like cereals.

What’s something interesting your date has shared with you?
She’s been to China; I wanna go one day.
Kate: He broke his nose on the bottom of a pool, his mom had to put stitches in.

On a scale of 0-5 how is the chemistry?
I would say a 4.5.
Kate: 3.75

Do you have any major similarities or differences?
I think we both have similar communication styles, but she might be in more of a professional realm than myself.
Kate: We both like the outdoors. I’m very career driven right now and he might not be.

How was dinner? What did you get?
I got ‘The Salad’ with steak, and it was delicious. We had tot-chos for an appetizer.
Kate: Dinner was great, I got the chicken with mashed potatoes and vegetables. The cider is good too!

Is Wild Corgi Pub a good spot for a date?
Yea definitely.
Kate: Yea!

Would you go on another date with each other?
I think so, she seems really nice.
Kate: I think so. I’m still getting to know him, but initially I’m attracted so as long as he wants to.

Where do you want the rest of the night to go?
I don’t really care. 
Kate: Have a few more drinks, keep chatting, and end on a positive note.


Ah the sweet romantic sound of your date saying, “A few more drinks.” So not to be hovering like a genuine creeper all night, we leave the two alone to finish their time at Wild Corgi. We need to go find some strangers’ dogs to pet on the street anyway. The next day, we follow up to see how it went down.

What happened after Rooster left?
We talked for a bit more and then we each had to get home so we just parted ways.
Kate: We had another drink and then ended up calling it a night and heading home after exchanging numbers.

Did Rooster find a match?
I don’t think so, but I think it could have been almost; we might not be each other types though.
Kate: I don’t know. I was very physically attracted but it doesn’t seem like we’re in the same place life-wise. I’m more career focused and ready to settle down and he’s not so I think that would be the biggest issue.

Was there a goodbye kiss?
There was not.
Kate: No, he was a gentleman; there was a nice hug though.

Overall, how was it?
Pretty damn good as far as two people meeting and having a nice conversation!
Kate: I had a fun time, I think it was a fun night and a lot of good energy. Overall I had a lot of fun!

Do you have any advice for future Blind Daters?
Just have some fun.
Kate: I think just take the risk because you never know. If nothing else I met someone fun and had a good meal.

Do you have any regrets from last night?
Kate: No, not at all.

What’s next in your dating life?
We’re gonna have to find out.
Kate: Interact with people online and in person to try and find someone whose a good match lifestyle-wise and whose on the same page as I am.

Is there anything you want to end with?
Keep hope alive! 
Kate: This was a fun and neat experience so thank you! 


Welp, shoot. Not even the Queen’s favorite mutt could seal this deal for Kris and Kate. We do, however, notice the two didn’t entirely say “no” to another date. This stuff takes time people, and if they’re in two separate places in their lives now, it isn’t like down the road paths will meet and create a beautiful future full of shortened pups. Time to grab a Corgi Mary! Cheers