Two hot people. One hot date. Will they be the one?
Name: Emily
Hometown: St. Louis, Mo.
Current job: Cannabis PR, social media content.
Biggest pet peeve: Insecurity. I want everyone to live their best life.
Describe what you look for in a partner: Someone who understands my sense of humor and intelligence. Someone who doesn’t just want to fuck me because I’m pretty. Can we vape in here?
One thing you can’t live without? Cannabis.
Why do you think you’re a catch? I’m a loyal person. If we get along and mesh well together and are both dependable, I’ll always have your back and always be there for you.
What is your zodiac sign? Scorpio.
Current dating life: Complicated. I’ve been seeing this guy for a month or two. I fucked a lot of fuckboys — like a lot last fall. I got out alive, it was a rough six months.
What TV show best describes your life? Broad City.
Favorite emoji? The purple devil smiling, that’s me. And the tounge emoji.
Favorite color? Periwinkle.
First concert? Hilary Duff. I was in 5th grade.
Name: Will
Hometown: Evergreen, Colo.
Current job: Muralist.
Dream job: I love painting but I went to school for firefighting. I’d be fighting fires and on my days off I’d be painting.
Biggest pet peeve: My sister is a nut; I feel like I’ve seen it all. Not much I can’t handle.
One thing you can’t live without? When I was in New York I really missed rock climbing.
How would your parents describe you: Easy going, happy.
Current dating life: Very single. I just moved back 3 weeks ago from New York.
What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius.
Cat person or dog person? Dog. I just got a Doberman, Lab, Shepherd mix. He has spotted little socks on him. *shows us the most adorable puppy photo in the history of iPhone pics*
What do you look for in women: I like people who care about themselves. Lazy never appeals to me. I like to do shit.
Favorite emoji: The big smiley face.
Who have you been listening to lately? Trampled by Turtles.
First concert: 2011. Pretty Lights at Red Rocks.
Love is in the air as the sun sets on Local 46 this perfect Colorado evening. The delightful aroma, could it be the delicious sizzles billowing off of the patio grill? Nonetheless, it smells good. Will arrives first smiling with a handsome and stoic demeanor, he rests easy at the bar as Emily busts in the door. “Sorry I’m late!” she exclaims. “I was smoking a joint.” Will laughs, with forgiveness in his heart.
Before having a chance to meet them, what’s going through your head?
Emily: I just didn’t want tonight to be bad. He seems reasonably intelligent and not awkward.
Will: I was wondering about how many drinks I was going to have (to ease the nerves).
Just after you met them, what are you thinking?
E: I was expecting the worst, so when I saw him I was glad he was kinda handsome.
W: I have a thing for redheads.
Have you ever been on a blind date before?
E: No, never a blind date. A bunch of Bumble dates.
W: This is the first time. When I pulled off at the exit I got a little nervous.
What advice did your friends give you before coming tonight?
E: What if you meet the one? Just have fun. They all laughed and want to know how it goes.
W: No, no one knew. I have family in town, they were like ‘good luuuuck.’ [laughs]
How were the first impressions after getting to know your date?
E: Man bun. I liked his intellect and conversational abilities, he has a cool job. I didn’t discount him right away which I do a lot of my dates.
W: She burst in and made quite an entrance! She is pretty.
What are you looking for from the other dater?
E: Connect on a deeper level; I’m done just fucking other people.
W: Some good hang time. I’m not trying to get laid or anything.
Where do you usually meet people?
E: Bars. I approach people whenever I feel like it.
W: Bars.
Would you smoke with them?
E: I asked him right away how he consumes cannabis. Sharing a joint with someone is like having a drink with someone — you can connect on a realer level. *she says as she steals our sausage sampler platter on the way back to join Will*
W: I don’t smoke weed. My mom always pressures me to smoke. I’m the worst Coloradoan.
As the night goes on, Emily suddenly shouts, “What’s up with the fuckin’ food!?” Rooster rings the dinner bell and our Blind Daters’ orders slide from the outdoor grill while both cozy up in a rustic wooden booth equipped with a personal sized fire pit. They look like they are hitting it off and are enjoying each others’ company. We simply must pry and find out how their date is going.
How was dinner?
E: Super lovely. I really love the vibe of the patio. It’s vintage and mystical Bohemian.
W: Sliders were delicious and amazing. The patio is sick, the private event space is awesome. The games and the fire places are great.
How’s the date going?
E: Solid eight. It’s not like, ‘OMG I’m going to marry this guy now,’ but he’s a great person.
W: Seven. I think it’s going okay, we talked a lot about our previous bad dates.
Things seem to be getting cozy, what else are you talking about?
E: Contemporary art. I have a terrible short term memory … I’ve been asking him about how long he’s been painting.
W: Travel. She thinks it’s weird I don’t smoke weed.
How’s the romantic chemistry?
E: He has a really good body. I can tell he’s fit and athletic — we talked about how he rock climbs, we might go rock climbing. He’s more shy than me but that’s normal cuz I’m crazy but I can tell he has a sense of humor. There’s some evidence he can keep up with me.
W: It’s going, feels like a friend hang. She mentioned she has a boy toy, that’s kinda …
If you could give them a trophy what would it be for?
E: He has a great smile. I like it when my date laughs at my jokes.
W: Bubbly.
What’s the most embarrassing date you’re willing to tell our readers?
E: Do you want to talk about erectile dysfunction? My date did a lot of drugs that night and couldn’t get it up.
W: This chick, she was so weird, she talked about her pet turtle “Pancakes.” Everything she talked about kept going back to her turtle and how she hangs out with her turtle all the time. She prob told me why she named her turtle Pancakes but I zoned out, it was bad.
What would your friends and family approve of your date?
E: Yeah, he looks like the typical guy I’d go for which is why I’m being cautious.
W: Yes, she’s outgoing.
Are you looking forward to more time with them?
E: I’d like to learn more about his skills. I’d like to see more of his humor come out. I’d like to see if he can really play ball with me. He seems timid but I feel like there’s more flair there.
W: Yeah, we are having a good time.
Put on your Ove Glove people, we have a hot date on our hands here. So we leave Emily and Will to enjoy the rest of their night at Local 46 alone, away from the prying eyes of Rooster Magazine’s slightly buzzed moderators. The next day, we catch up with our fun-loving couple to find out the exciting conclusion.
What happened after dinner?
E: We talked more. We took a shot with the manager — the tequila was rough going down. We kissed. We will see what happens next.
W: We had another drink and parted ways.
What was your favorite part of the date?
E: The venue, honestly. It’s a really cool restaurant. I really love the patio, the random local musicians that just go there and play there awesome too. The drinks really got me tipsy.
W: The band was sweet.
Would you have changed anything about the night?
E: No, it was pretty ideal, great date spot. I wish he would have brought his puppy.
W: No, it was a good time. I didn’t go in expecting anything, it was fun.
Would you go on a second date with them?
E: Yeah, definitely, we had a pretty good connection. I’d like to get to know him better. I’d like to go rock climbing with him and do a mountain picnic, bring some beers.
W: Yeah, we talked about it a little bit.
Final question, any advice you’d give to the next Rooster Blind Daters?
E: It’s really fun, embrace it, just go with the flow.
W: Do some homework, read previous Blind Dates; I wish I would have read a few more before I showed up.
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