Rooster Magazine’s THC Classic is the only blind–judging cannabis competition in Colorado, which means, to avoid bias, all submissions are repackaged without any labels or branding before being given to the judges. Each year, licensed dispensaries, wholesalers and manufacturers all compete to see who has the best flowers, concentrates, edibles, vape pens and infusions in the Colorado marketplace across 16 categories. Each category has a panel of five judges, who meticulously review each strain based on a set of criteria. This year we had over 250 submissions; here are the winners from our 7th annual THC Classic.

Sweet Melon
The latest addition to Evolab’s popular Chroma™ Colors product line, Sweet Melon includes naturally derived honeydew and watermelon flavors from real fruit, paired with potent, CO2 extracted cannabinoids and terpenes. Sweet Melon comes in disposable iHits or environmentally-friendly refillable cartridges made from premium materials including pyrex glass and stainless steel.

Dark Chocolate Mint
The INDVR Fire Dark Chocolate Mint vaporizer is a premium blend of CO2 extracted THC and therapeutic, food grade essential oils. The vaporizer contains peppermint oil that may help to open the capillaries of the lungs, promote pain relief and support digestions, providing an invigorating uplifted experience.

Bomb Pop
While still in preproduction, Pyramid has gifted us with an insight into their new “Burst” line. This Bombpop flavor has summer vibes written all over it. With hints of cherry, lime, and blue raspberry your taste buds will be begging you for more.
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