It's a fairly easy concept: mandate all Americans sit at home on their couch without going anywhere … delivery services go up. And that's especially true for booze, the official drink of wasting time. 

However seeing those actual sales numbers in graphs sure does punch the reality home. Last week, (the clear go-to for home alcohol delivery service during these trying times) launched an interactive page to follow how the COVID-19 virus sweeping the nation is targeting sales. In just one short (albeit very looooong) month, the site recorded a staggering increase in cashflow — pushed along by gaining new customers, people ordering more often from the service and ordering more when they do hit the purchase button.

What's also interesting, customers aren't jumping into the new trend just for the buzz. They're increasingly ordering mixers and specialty items to make custom cocktails at home.

Liz Paquette, Drizly’s head of consumer insights, told Fast Company the service has seen orders for liqueurs, cordials, schnapps and mixers up by some 600 percent to 1,000 percent; vermouth is up 1,200 percent.

"I think I like the idea of just trying something new while I'm stuck at home," says Denver resident Shyla Romijn. "Of course I'd like to be out there supporting my favorite bartenders who actually know how to make a good drink, but right now this is the closest I can get."

Romijn and others are at the core of what will ultimately be a much needed lifeline for some of the liquor stores around Colorado. The problem being with all this good news, obviously, is the bad news surrounding out-of-work service industry folks who sit idly by waiting for the stay-at-home orders to be lifted. To help them out, Fireball Whiskey launched "The World's Largest Tip Jar" a few days ago to be delivered throughout local areas.


[cover photo cottonbro via Pexels