Too lifted to read the news? Every week, we recap the most interesting headlines in the world of intoxicants, illegal or not. To inform, to liberate. …

1. Fentcoke is at electronic music festivals. Why lace cocaine with a deadly opioid? Damned if we know. But drug testing service Bunk Police released a video of a teary dealer at Electric Forest flushing fentcoke he thought was pure. And a watchful Twitter user at Camp Bisco posted pics of a girl with fenty coke. The girl got tracked down. Fentcoke is still on the loose. Life is weird.

2. American cops squint and shake their fists at drug testing outfits like Bunk Police and DanceSafe, but Britain announced it will not "stand in the way" of testing at music festivals. This after 11 people died at music festivals in the last two years, even though drug use is not increasing.

3. A Mexican drug cartel drone-striked an enemy, flying an octocopter armed with two grenades into the home of a security chief in Baja California. The explosives didn't detonate, and the chief wasn't home at the time. The Mexican feds didn't release the name of the cartel — the Tijuana area is a battleground between the Sinaloa and the Jalisco New Generation cartels. But now that drones are cheap, how long until the cartels perfect the tech?

4. Japan hung seven leaders of an LSD-fueled cult. The Aum Shinrikyo religion nerve-gassed a Tokyo subway in 1995, killing twelve. Head dude Shoko Asahara, who declared he was "Christ," allegedly initiated members with LSD so they'd renounce materialism and hand their cash over to him.

5. Meanwhile, as Big Pharma refuses to allow their drugs to be used for murder, Americans struggle to find the juice to execute our criminals. Nevada thought it found an easy solution: fentanyl. "It's killing people all over the place," convicted murderer Scott Dozier told Vice. Dozier volunteered to waive his appeals. "Bang me up, man. Use a shit ton." But, then, a court stopped it short.

6. Canadian cannabis companies, like American ones, are run by folks who used to run the black market.

7. But Canadian pot workers aren't welcome in the U.S., as American border guards are issuing lifetime bans to Canadian cannabis companies’ employees. It's long been U.S. policy not to let in people who are known drug dealers; just because these Canucks are now legal drug dealers, admission requirements into the United States will not change due to Canada’s legalization of cannabis," a U.S. official told the Star Vancouver.

8. Love drugs won't stop the killing. A girl who strolled into a convenience store in Australia with an axe and hacked two random customers had the "love drug" MDA in her system, a court heard. The store's security camera peeped her slash-fest — gnarly footage you should watch from across the room. She pled not guilty due to mental illness. It ain't the drug that makes the night — it's what you do with it.

9. Oregon hinked up its marijuana program, it admitted, by losing track of growers and letting the gray market metastasize. For example, there are 20,000 grow sites, but the state inspected only 58 last year. Weed sells for as low as $100 a pound in Oregon — almost oregano prices — but nets $1,000 or $2,000 in uncool states. And so the bushels of Oregon ganja spilled into other states like popcorn overflowing the popper at the movie theater.

10. Gray market marijuana gets mailed to Oklahoma, where postal workers were sniffing out pot in the packages and stealing the drugs for themselves.

11. Fentanyl sellers shiver at Jeff Sessions — the Alabama Hobbit in charge of drug laws — after he said his department will prosecute individual synthetic opioids sales, no matter how small. Fentanyl is a painkiller and a hole that's difficult to crawl out of.

12. Marijuana isn't a religious sacrament, a judge in Indiana ruled, saying that the First Church of Cannabis can't sidestep the drug laws. This decision is bullshit; marijuana is religious.

13. Legalization spreads out from Colorado, as Brazil and Caribbean countries debate freedom for the plant.

14. And Fitbits and Apple watches track heart rates during cocaine binges.

[Cover photo: Camp Bisco.]