With the complete annihilation of Facebook lately, maybe it’s time to do some electronic spring cleaning.
That “memories” feature on Facebook, though quite annoying when you’re trying to forget long lost exes, can actually be beneficial. Each day, flip through the stupid shit you said years ago and delete — delete it all. It might not be gone from the system entirely, but if you want to put real memories where they belong, it’s a great way to take control of your present life away from your past one.
Oh wait, you want privacy? Online? BAH! Funny. Plenty of experts agree, once you click on that box and say “accept,” you’re basically signing away any chance of autonomy you may have once had. You can, however, continue to check privacy settings (that often change without your approval) to make sure your posts are going to the right people. Set a reminder on your phone for every two months and sleep soundly knowing you’re only kind of a prisoner to the system.
Strangers can easily get fed your actions on their Newsfeeds — for no other reason than the site needs that interaction to take place. Outside of checking privacy settings, you can just delete them entirely to mitigate that happening (it’s not 100 percent). Use block often; even if it’s a small gesture on your part you’ll notice a freer, more comfortable online experience. But don’t get complacent with it, conflicting opinions are a good thing.
It’s now literally impossible to delete everything about you from the Internet. Bradley Shear, a lawyer who specializes in social media and privacy, spoke with The Washington Post about just that, and says you can drop (or hide) accounts fairly easily with some time (and to try JustDelete.me for starters). Though if you wanted to use the Internet ever, you’ll have to use a VPN (virtual private network) to do so. Even then, the Library of Congress is “cataloging every single tweet ever.”
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