Whatever your own personal stand point on 'man made global warming' might be, few can now deny that the planet is in fact warming up as has long been predicted.  During the last summer, many parts of the world, particularly in European countries, saw  temperatures hit their shores, causing unexpected droughts, and the counter point to that additional warming has been the return of devastating floods in parts of Asia.

There is another, albeit slightly more cheeky consequence of the inevitable hotter summers to come in future years, with an existing over population problem on planet Earth stretching resources and infrastructure, the simple fact of the matter is that generally speaking, the human race gets hornier as it gets hotter and these top sports gambling sites probably have odds on it as well.

Fresh off the back of the Coronavirus pandemic, many parts of the planet have not long reopened back up and allowed people to live more normally, and let us face it, for anyone who had to live through a lock down – there was not much else to do when it came to entertaining yourselves.

For those not living with a partner, the summer has been the perfect opportunity to get back out into wider life and boost a flagging social circle of friends.  And when the temperatures are conducive to showing a lot more flesh given more modern day fashions (and attitudes), a chance or planned meeting with someone who has caught your eye, will inevitably more likely to lead to only one position – or more than one depending on just how horny you are.

It is not just a trick of flesh, a sweaty shimmer on soft squeezable skin or even greater pheromones (although pheromones certainly transmit better when skin is exposed) that lead to the illusion of greater attractiveness, your body and biology conspires against you in an effort to get you between the sheets, or in the shower together – it really is as simple as that – you are not being a pervert, your body makes you notice more.

For a start, sunlight has an amazing effect on serotonin levels with in the body.  The sun simply increases mood levels via the key neurotransmitter and if your ability to experience pleasure increases, your desire for pleasure naturally gets a boost.  It is very similar, if not the exact same reaction, that is responsible for increased libidos and sex drives that some medications for depression (and other illicit drugs) can cause.

Another key biological change is as serotonin levels go up, melatonin levels fall through the floor.  Melatonin is widely taken as a sleep aid by those who suffer from insomnia – so if the neurotransmitter that normally tells you go to go sleep goes on holiday, you are more likely to occupy yourself in another way whilst lying in bed, unable to sleep.  Melatonin also has wider effects on a libido as it can interfere with estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and even serotonin itself.

As simple as it sounds, particularly given the wonders of the modern world and the breadth of the internet, warmer summers drive people inside the house and that privacy leads to certain websites that help further put you in the mood for some fun when the opportunity next arises.  Even as far back as 2016, a study showed that Google related sex searches significantly spiked during the months of June and July – equally also spiking during December and January when it is colder, wetter and people are again more forced inside to keep warm.

With those few simple reasons driving biological urges (and plenty more that can be speculated at), we will simply have to see if we get the almost inevitable Covid birth rate spike, and then, whether that is followed by another scorching summer spike – but even if it is not, at least we have all had some extra fun in recent times.