Now that spring has sprung, the birds are chirping, and the blossoms are spewing pollen from their reprehensible stamens right into your face, it's time for America's favorite sport, adult kickball. But adult kickball, it seems, is more of a pretense for teammates to fuck each other than an actual sport (is it an actual sport? Don't answer that.)

Now that spring has sprung, the birds are chirping, and the blossoms are spewing pollen from their reprehensible stamens right into your face, it's time for America's favorite sport, adult kickball. But adult kickball, it seems, is more of a pretense for teammates to fuck each other than an actual sport (is in at actual sport? Don't answer that.)

Everyone knows that kickball is arousing. All that frantic fumbling and awkward throwing of balls by grown-ass adults is sure to get some juices flowing out there on the field See?

But all that ball-generated sexual tension comes at a price, especially if you happen to hold the powerful position of "adult kickball team coach." For you, kickball presents itself not only as an opportunity to organize a group of adults in the name of recreation, but also as an opportunity for these adults to fuck each other, thereby ruining your chance of making to the YMCA adult kickball playoffs.

This problematic paradox is something that one adult kickball coach, name redacted, knows far too well. But, instead of stand around and let the fuck fest begin, he penned an impassioned letter to the members of his team, imploring them to wait at least five weeks before they have sex with everyone that pelts them in the head with a ball that they were too  horny to dodge:

Witness it now:

Good morning gentlemen,

I'm assuming that when this is read, you'll all be waking up, hence the greeting.

I hope we all had a good time tonight. I certainly did. We have a very talented team. We're most likely going to win out the season, and if not, we'll buck up and win the tournament at the end of the season. We're really that good.

But it's time that I introduce you all to a very important rule, which if we don't follow will cause us the season. It's called the five-week rule.

You'll notice that only the men of [team name] are receiving this email. It's because this rule only applies to you. I know, it's sexist. It's not fair. But it's the way it is.

Winning on the kickball field is based on three things. How well the men play, how well the women play, and if the women show up. Literally, leagues are won and lost on whether or not enough women show up towards the end of the season. Everyone thinks kickball is a great game, they all want to play, then towards the end of the season, attendance tapers off, and you're begging and pleading for people to show up to fill out the team, and it doesn't happen, and you forfeit, and you're pissed, and it sucks. SUCKS.

The main reason for this, is screwing. No joke, you bang some chick, she's ashamed, maybe you sucked at it (none of us, obviously) and she doesn't want to see you, therefore she doesn't show up again.

So, this rule has been created, not to hinder us, but to help the team. Think of it as an extended challenge. The slow roll. The long con.


Is that clear enough? I can say it again if necessary, but I think it was pretty clear.


There, I said it again anyway.

Failure to adhere to this rule will result in your exclusion from the lineup, public hatred and disdain, death, dismemberment, ball-kicking (not kickballs), and, on the good side, getting laid. I don't think the latter is worth the former.

Please be a team player, wait a few weeks. If you're that good, it won't matter anyway. Don't break up the team because of your dick.

