You can never be too sure with those prudes out there. Dirty liars, all of them. Says science …
You’ve got a foul mouth and make no apologies for it. Bravo. Not only does that make you smarter and hotter, but according to a new study, it means you live an honest lifestyle too.
Well, fuckin’ shit …
In the two-part report hilariously titled, Frankly, we do give a damn: The relationship between profanity and honesty, researchers from Universities of Hong Kong, Stanford, Cambridge and Maastricht found “a consistent positive relationship between profanity and honesty; profanity was associated with less lying and deception at the individual level and with higher integrity at the society level.”
The report asked a varying group of 276 participants about their swearing habits and whether or not they feel like they are honest in random situations (finding money on the ground, dating, pushing children down when no one is looking — you know, innocent things like that). Data was then looked at to see how this all correlated.
In part two, researchers analyzed over 73,000 status updates of regular social media posters. What they found there is that dishonest people tend to use more third-person pronouns than first-person ones. Liars also use more negative words than people telling the truth.
But those truth sayers? They were still out there ‘fucking’ and shitting’ up a storm, even online. Researchers say that’s okay.
“The main thing we found is if you filter your language when speaking then you’re probably also filtering what you’re saying as well,” says co-author David Stilwell from the University of Cambridge to The Independent. “You are less likely to be about what you think and more about what you think other people want to hear.
"Someone who does not filter their language, so swears, is more likely to be saying what they think to be true so are being more honest and genuine from their perspective."
So, next time you’re out having a completely innocuous conversation with a total stranger and they opt not to use any colorful language to describe how their day went, call them out for being a complete fucking liar and never speak with them again.
You can never be too sure with prudes. Dirty liars, all of them. Says science.
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