If you’ve never heard of the World Economic Forum (AKA the Davos Agenda—AKA the Illuminati's global non-profit think tank), you’re about to get a crash course. To most people it sounds like an exclusive circle jerk for elite finance geeks. And, at least in part, that’s true. But it’s also something far more sinister: it’s a globalization plot-symposium dolled up like a business conference, turning out world-domination plans disguised in cryptic corporate code-speak. It’s the thinly veiled syndicate implementing the New World Order—initiating a Great Reset—or, as the Forum calls it: the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

What’s that you say? You think that sounds paranoid? You think I’m overreaching?

So does my publisher. But-fuck-it, that’s exactly why this needs to be covered! This shadow regime is dressing up like an economics convention, while they’re guiding the trajectory of world history and twisting the fate of humanity like a nipple. They’re eating our lunch, and I’ll be damned if I sit here in Rooster’s mailroom without at least trying to sound the alarm. 

So here we go, diving into what may very well be the actual deep state Illuminati secret society non-profit organization: the WEF. 

“The foremost annual gathering of decision-makers of the world economy” 

Consider this: In a Capitalistic society such as ours, politics is all drama and the politicians are all actors. The real power players and decision makers of the world are corporate actors; it’s the most invested businesses and wealthiest business people who hold the biggest sway and the real political power. And the WEF represents the congress of that unelected profit-minded shadow government guiding society with its invisible hands. 

That’s the real genius of the WEF: it’s governance separated from government; guidance by the powerful, the unelected elite, the corporations, united above and beyond the reach of democracy. And yet, the WEF holds the world’s democracies by the balls, guiding “the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.” While elected officials squabble over masks and gas prices, these guys are planning and executing global agendas that don’t need votes or public approval to implement. 

That’s been Klaus Schwab’s vision since he founded the WEF in 1971. According to Klaus, the world would be best-managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations and civil society organizations. Why should common people get to choose the fate of our world, anyway?

Who Klaus?

Not much is known about the 83 year-old German who started the WEF. What we do know is Klaus lives in Cologny, Switzerland, has a wife and three children, and sometimes likes to speak at conferences sporting flowing dark leather ceremonial robes emblazoned with mysterious symbols like a straight-up Bond villain. In other words: he’s just a regular guy. 

Klaus has been quoted saying things like, by 2030 people around the world will “own nothing and be happy about it;” and governments are no longer "the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage.” He wants to replace the standard democratic model of leadership with a group of self-selected “stakeholders” who make decisions for the common people.

In 2020 Klaus published a book called “COVID-19: The Great Reset” in which he celebrates the momentous opportunity the COVID pandemic has provided to restructure the global economy and the world’s system of governance. Because a good world-crisis should never go to waste. 

Especially when your non-profit “predicts” it months in advance.

Event 201 and the Next Pandemic

In October of 2019, just months before the COVID-19 pandemic erupted onto the global stage, the WEF sponsored a rather peculiar event. Hosted in partnership with Johns Hopkinis, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Event 201 “simulated” the outbreak of a novel coronavirus pandemic with catastrophic social, political and economic outcomes. The predicted-scenario lasted between 18-24 months, and was only resolved once a vaccine was introduced globally—by which time, global economies had slowed down significantly, unemployment had skyrocketed across the western world, inflation had inflated, and dependence on government, industry and “key international institutions” had dramatically expanded. 

Sound familiar?

Well, now the WEF is at it again. In January of this year they started “simulating” the next pandemic: “a cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics.” One that would cripple the world’s access to the internet and digital services—one that would require a world-wide-whiteout wherein the internet at large is completely shut down and scrubbed front-to-back, eyes-to-asshole, by our great protectors: the Feds. After all, only big-government propaganda “intelligence” machines like the FBI and CIA can discern truth from lies, fact from fiction, and threat from utility. 

Or, perhaps, since this “cyber pandemic” will—I mean would—be global, it could elicit the creation of a new intelligence agency altogether. One that extends beyond national borders, and above democracy, much like the WEF itself…

Seven exciting forms of everyday propaganda!

Propaganda is often used to shape public opinion, and bend mass perception of a topic one way or another. Ya’ll remember D.A.R.E.? It’s a classic example (happy 4/20 by the way!). But here are a few types of propaganda you probably see every day:

Generating fear – Like a seatbelt ad that shows you a horrific mangled car crash. Or an anti-smoking ad showing you the black lungs of deceased cancer patients. 
Constructing a mental image – Often used by politicians on the campaign trail, who’ll paint a picture of a hypothetical world. Obama’s “HOPE'' campaign was a perfect example: vote for this guy and he’ll bring HOPE to the nation. 
The bandwagon – Everyone is doing it, so you should probably do it too. Get on the bandwagon.
Testimonial propaganda – Look, the Olsen twins love milk! I should drink some too. 
Building false images – When people fashion themselves as something they’re not. Like Ronald Reagan chopping wood, Bill Clinton eating at McDonald’s, Donald Trump pandering to the working class, or Joe Biden pretending like he knows where he is. 
False dilemma – When you’re forced to decide between two options framed as the only two choices… when that isn’t the case at all. 
Assertion propaganda – “You’re going to like the way you look. I guarantee it.” or “The best burger in the Rockies!”