Hemp House, a clothing company that's opening up in Denver, has a very blazed — sorry, "interesting" — marketing strategy that we think you'd like to know about … and it involves free weed.
Hemp House, a clothing company that's opening up in Denver, has a very blazed — sorry, "interesting" — marketing strategy that we think you'd like to know about … and it involves free weed.
Apparently. with every online order above a minimum amount, they'll send you a free eighth of devil's grass along with your clothes. And if you consume weed at anything similar to the rate we do, that's enough ammo for a full tenth of a day! So that's a lot.
Of course you have to be 21 to enjoy it, but if you're not, chill out, wait four years, and in the meantime, develop a personality.
For the rest of you, the offer is only valid for residents living in the Denver Metro area. Um, we just checked our watch, and it says it's "time to get a Denver P.O. box."
Oh, and everything Hemp House makes is made out of hemp. Can you believe it? We're still trying to. Their first line will feature socks, t-shirts, backpacks, hats, sweaters and hoodies, and more, and it's coming out this December. So no free weed until then.
No word as to where this free weed is coming from or how Hemp House is able to offer it for free, but these are the kinds of questions you should be contemplating as you hotbox your PT Cruiser with the dense haze of free weed.
You're welcome!
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