We think we had a dream like this one time: On stage, in front of thousands, ready to unload the filthy drop and unable to hold back that one extra Frosty we never should have had. Unfortunately for one Above & Beyond fan, dropping the sick beat was more literal than it should have been.
Last week when we interviewed Jono Grant of the genius trio Above & Beyond he told us the crew definitely gets nervous when approaching massive shows the likes of its recent trip to a sold-out Madison Square Garden. But the nerves have never gotten the best of them, at least not on stage enough to spew a full fourth-meal towards expensive DJ equipment.
That’s not to say the unfortunate series of events can’t happen, as was shown this past weekend at The Fillmore Auditorium during Above & Beyond’s set at the Hallowfreak’n’ween holiday event.
Butterfly spinning nerves screwed over one lucky (unlucky?) fan when she was asked to drop the beat back on the audience with the push of a button. It’s a ritual now synonymous with Above & Beyond, and allows fans a once in a plur-time chance to frenzy the crowd. It should have been so easy!
Puking is honestly the last thing anyone would hope for in a time like this, but unfortunately, it happened. And cameras were rolling. And photos were taken. And the Internet erupted – as is always the case.
At least for now, someone out there in the wild and tangled web of lies and deceit has actually taken credit for the electro-ralph, and while it’s unconfirmed, we have a good notion to think that the brave woman is showing what little fucks she has to give and said this about the event:
Still the best damn moment of my life! Everyone pukes. No I was not on drugs or drinking. All I drank was water. Anywho, #PukeTheButton will stick. I'm happy no matter what happened. Could have happened to anyone. I got to push the button so my life has been made! Haters Gonna Hate.
Touché, ye hateful wastoids of the land! Projectile on, sister!
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