Artists generally spend hours trying to huck their wares on street corners, adamantly asking passers by if they “listen to hip-hop” while shoving album in their hands. It’s a daily thing mustered in hopes to garner at least a few new listeners, if not to be picked up by a major label and thrown into rap nobility. One Jacksonville, FL artist found an easier way – just let mother nature do her job.

The hip-hop game is a struggling son of a bitch when it comes to the daily hustle. Artists generally spend hours trying to huck their wares on street corners, adamantly asking passers by if they “listen to hip-hop” while shoving albums in their hands. It’s a daily thing developed in hopes to garner at least a few new listeners, if not to be picked up by a major label and thrown into rap nobility.

It’s not original enough, though, and since there are thousands of rappers doing the exact same thing, it often becomes annoying and trite. One Jacksonville, FL artist, however, skipped the game entirely and accidentally fell into an easy way to get people to pay attention to his music. No, literally, he fell into it.

His name is Presto Flo, and while on location filming a documentary he found himself too close to the edge of a sea wall. Mother nature said, “Fuck, this is too rich to pass up,” and blew him over, landing dick-down in an oyster bed.

We know what you’re thinking, because we thought it too. “The fuck is an oyster bed?” It’s not a bed, at all, fellow land-lockee; at least not a comfortable one, we assume, as Presto Flo had to be rushed to the emergency room with lacerations over his legs and hands. We've included a photo of an oyster bed for reference, which was taken somewhere between 1472 and 1900. No one can ever really know with those completely out-of-style clothes, right?

Per his Twitter account's explanation, he was bandaged up with his daughter never leaving his side and was back in the studio within hours. A small price to pay for fame and organically gained online clicks.