Yalp has created a solar-powered DJ booth named Fono for use in public areas. No longer will that unremixed version of “All About That Bass” go without so much as a PSHEW-PSHEW-CLAP or the crowd pleasing DIG-DIG-DIG-BLOP while teens loiter around sneaking dope smokes and Pall Malls.
Have you ever been sitting in the park looking for something to do wondering aloud if it will ever be possible to bring that BAP-BAP-UNCE to the outdoors without the hassle of toting around a van full of gear? You too? Because the future is now, and a Dutch design company is here solving that very quandary.
Yalp has created a solar-powered DJ booth named Fono. It’s a static outdoor installation used for younger generation hangout areas and is fed tunes by personal wireless devices. It encompasses 14 touchpad surfaces to control everything from pitch to delay and even scratch. No longer will that unremixed version of “All About That Bass” go without so much as a PSHEW-PSHEW-CLAP or the crowd pleasing DIG-DIG-DIG-BLOP while teens loiter around sneaking dope smokes and Pall Malls.
From the looks of things the Fono is still basic in its evolution and may take a while for that one persistent, smarmy little know-it-all in the neighborhood to figure out everything it’s capable of. The speakers also seem mediocre, and the use of its sound directing technology will inevitably make it hard to rattle neighbors’ windows for real hooliganry.
So no bass drops with the Fono just yet, but any real DJ knows the DIPITY-DIPITY-DAP and LARAMIE-LARAMIE-HEYHEY soundscapes are what the audience really wants anyways.
For now, no word on whether the Fono will be coming to America, but it’s not really surprising given our tenacity for complaining about everything above 10 decibels in unused public areas.
A statement from Yalp about the creative rig reads:
Teenagers, they tend to be a hard target group to design for. In a lot of cases they are generally seen as a noisy, scary, rude, polluting problem. Looking at the public space you will see they are put away in boxes, both figuratively and literally . . . You can [be annoyed by] them or you could approach them in a positive way and take advantage of the things they enjoy doing. Being a DJ and music lives with youngsters. Fono brings back the DJ that once started on the streets back to the streets.
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