"Peyton Manning probably just made more money than I have my entire life by saying he was going to drink a lot of Budweiser after winning."
There you are, standing naked in front of the miraculous invention of indoor plumping, washing away yesterdays regret while getting ready for the future hustle — when suddenly it hits you, "Toll lanes are kind of racist …" You've just had a shower thought, and you should probably jump on reddit immediately to post it on the wildly popular "Shower Thoughts" thread, an amalgamation of some of the funniest things people think about when they bathe …
"I Got 99 problems and money could solve at least 90 of them"
by Rossysexy
"Sarah Connor was the very first victim of cyber-bullying."
by ViewedAskew
"Having anti-piracy messages on legitimately bought and legal DVDs is like lecturing a punctual classroom on attendance."
by motherstep
"When bald people wash their face how far up do they go?"
by shaniquaratchet
"Its weird how my brain automaticly reads 'wtf' as 'what the fuck' but still reads lol as l-o-l"
by BrokenSalsaJar
"The meteorite that killed the indian guy traveled trillions of kilometres for billions years before hitting him. This is the best sniping event to date"
by Saudade-x
"Blind dogs have guide people…"
by sexualsquid
"Peyton Manning probably just made more money than I have my entire life by saying he was going to drink a lot of Budweiser after winning."
by counting45
"My internet has no problem loading ads but takes its sweet time loading the video I actually want to watch."
by ThatVanceGuy
"The only difference between teaching and brainwashing is whether or not society approves of the lesson"
by wabbitmonster
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