The similarities between the King and Queen of the Illuminati and your own parents are too striking to ignore.

Do you ever find yourself laying awake at night, silently scrutinizing whether your parents are your parents or Grammy award-winning hip-hop and R&B superstars Beyonce and Jay-Z? Us too. In fact, the similarities between the King and Queen of the Illuminati and our own parents are too striking to ignore, so we went ahead and made you a list of all the ways they're basically the same. Armed with this vital comparison, you too can decide for yourself whether Bill and Terri are really Jay and Bey. Meaningful.

1. They're getting divorced

2. They bail you out of jail

3. They were "Drunk In Love" when they made you

4. They make you eat your vegetables

5. The in-laws don't like Daddy

6. They've devised ways of keeping you from stealing their liquor

7. They piss off the PTA

8. They operate a failing business

9. They're still pretty shaky about who Kim Kardashian and the Kanye are

10. They've got a funny backstory about why they named you that