We get amateur beer enthusiast across the board (musicians, politicians, comedians, models, etc.) and pair them with professional beer makers to see if they have what it takes to be real craft brewers. Today's amateurs … The Suicide Girls!

We get amateur beer enthusiast across the board (musicians, politicians, comedians, models, etc.) and pair them with professional beer makers to see if they have what it takes to be real craft brewers. Today's amateurs … The Suicide Girls!

We brought models Sid and Ladonna Suicide to Denver's Hogshead brewery to put them to work and show what the world of beer is all about. 

Hogshead's brew masters put the lovely ladies through rigorous tests such as cleaning out the Mash Tun and scrubbing down the brew house. They also willingly imbibed Hogshead's delicious brews and learned how to properly pour an English cask beer. They got a little wet and dirty, but on The Rooster's "Amateur Hour," that's what it's all about. 

Do you think they pass the tests? We'll let you decide.