The photo series sets out to find the distinguishing characteristics that made each of them worthy of the bunny title … even if those things are a little closer the floor than they used to be.
Robyn Twomey’s photo series “Playboy" set out to explore the faces of ex-beauty queens to find the distinguishing characteristics that made each of them worthy of the bunny title … even if those things are a little closer the floor than they used to be.
“These headshots are the result of my interest in the women of Playboy and where they are now. The tight frame and non-retouched images allow space for one’s personal reflection on age and beauty. The body language suggests even more about who these women are: strong, beautiful, fragile, provocative, and everything in between. They are complex characters that are proud and empowered by their beauty and sexuality, at the same time stricken by the fleeting nature of it,” she said.
Photographed at the Former Playboy Bunny Reunion in Las Vegas, each image gives you a pretty interesting look into how the concept of physical beauty changes as you age.
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