Brandon Rollin might be the most focused person we've ever met. Each paint dot meticulous, placed by hand. It's a beautifully painted array of dot work Rollin calls Abstract Pointillism and we are thoroughly encapsulated by it.


Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Favorite color? 


Astrological sign? 



What’s at the top of your playlist right now? 

Album: Smooth Big Cat by Dope Lemon.


Guilty pleasure?

Sour cream glazed donuts 


When did you realize you wanted to be an artist? 

The summer after my senior year of High School.


What other ways besides painting do you express your creativity? 

Working with my hands, wood working, drawing, cooking, finger dancing.


Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

How would you describe your style of art? 

Abstract pointillism.


How did you discover your ability to create this type of artwork?

I had learned about the artist Vance Kirkland who’s a fellow Colorado artist who created these amazing dot paintings in the 60’s and 70’s. This inspired me to try dot painting and I was encouraged to keep at it by a college professor and I haven’t stopped since!


Have you painted on other materials besides canvas and wood?

Metal, glass, a pair of skis, faces and bodies.


Do you plan out what patterns you are going to create, or do they organically take shape as you work?

I can go about it both ways. It really depends on the piece but the majority of the time I have a pretty clear vision in my head of what it will turn out like. Although sometimes a painting will evolve and the design will change as I go.


Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

How long does it typically take to complete a piece?

That really depends on the size of the piece. I have a series of small paintings I call “minis!” which take anywhere from 1-5 hours. Medium pieces range from 5-20 hours. Large pieces can be anywhere from 20 to hundreds of hours depending on the level of detail.


Have you ever messed up on the last dot and had to scrap the entire piece?

Fortunately this will never happen because I can simply fix any mistakes by either carefully wiping away the wet dot or waiting for it to dry and scraping and replacing it.


What would you say is crucial for your creative process?

A calm uninterrupted work environment and good background music will help me to clear my mind and get into what I like to call the “Dot Zone” or essentially a meditative state.


Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

What are some of the challenges that come along with creating such meticulous, detailed artwork?

Keeping concentration while I am working. Constantly improving my ability to place the dots in a way so that they are correctly sized and spaced on each piece to create the intended design. Patience, since each one of my pieces are very time consuming. 


Mandalas are a recurring image in a lot of your work. Is there intentional symbolism in the pieces you create?

The literal translation of the word mandala is “circle” or “disk” which is very fitting to me and my work. I am always in awe that something as simple as dots can be put together to create such complex and beautiful patterns such as the mandala. The possibilities are infinite.


Is there a meditative aspect to what you do?

Very much so! I spend most of the time I paint in a meditative state which is one of the reasons I love it so much. It’s extremely relaxing and stress relieving for me.


What other things do you find inspiration from?

Nature, wildlife, and I am constantly inspired by fellow artists!


Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Have you ever collaborated with other artists?

Yes. I have been doing more collaborations lately and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It’s inspiring and challenging to combine two different styles into one work and pushes each individual artist involved to the next level.


How do you see your art evolving?

I would love to start incorporating three dimensional shapes and objects as canvases in the future.


Where can we see more of your work?

Instagram / TikTok / Facebook:

Shameless Plug:

Check out my website for original work, prints, apparel, and more!


Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk

Brandon Rollin, Rooster Magazine, Art Talk