"Make art with a lot of different people who have different styles and smile for miles."

Pat Milbery

The gringo Jackie Chan

Hair color:
Surfer blonde sometimes, otherwise the other 49 shades of blonde

Paper or plastic:
Need them skinny plastic spray caps for crisp detailing and all about that paper all day everyday.

Talent besides art:
Beautifully addicted to snowboarding for the past 25 years, product designer for a lot of bands and brands, loving father of my dog Tora, big brother to a lot of talented skaters, snowboarders, artists and musicians of the So-Gnar Creative Divisions, bless each of their talented souls.

Strangest thing in your fridge at this moment:
Probably a NuvaRing or the three bottles of Elevation ketchup.

How would you describe your style of art?
Colorful, large scale, weird, thought-provoking, community-improving and fun.
Becoming a professional artist means taking a risk. What was that leap of faith like for you?
I doodled a lot in class, so I guess there was a huge risk of not learning what I was supposed to be … the leap of faith is a kick start from your heart and a gut feeling to live out and share your creativity everyday and see what happens. Let go of all the fears of being judged, failing and fail. Go make more art and fail again. I mean, get back to the canvas and win for yourself everyday with your soul's expression and releasing your creative energy into the universe!

Is there anything you'd tell an aspiring artist attempting the same creative path?
Have fun, enjoy your life, make art with a lot of different people who have different styles and smile for miles. Oh yeah, can't forget to work hard, over deliver, and be thankful.

Your murals cover the walls of Denver. What is it about the city that makes for a great canvas?
Brick rules, the texture is my favorite. Denver is young, it's an honor to contribute to its welcoming energy. I not only enjoy contributing to that energy and improving our Mile High stomping grounds, but keeping people more aware of their surroundings with weird art that makes you react and possibly discuss.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Shredding pow, making art, contributing positive energy to people's lives and hopefully still in love. All I can ask for is to be healthy and inspired.

How can someone see more of your work?
Check out all the new summer STS9 band merch // patmilbery.com // so-gnar.com  // IG: @patmilbery // IG: @sognarofficial