What if Batman had arthritis? Would Superman be as super if he needed a valve replacement? These are the questions Swedish artist Andreas Englund asks in his portrait series, where he depicts a superhero in the throes of aging, going about his day like anyone else … which is surprisingly hilarious.


What if Batman had arthritis? Would Superman be as super if he needed a valve replacement? These are the questions Swedish artist Andreas Englund asks in his portrait series, where he depicts a superhero in the throes of aging, going about his day like anyone else … which is surprisingly hilarious.

We mean, years of operating in peak physical condition, manually ripping the balls off bad guys, scaling buildings with spy kits and rescuing kittens from trees has got to wreck havoc on the body. We wouldn't be surprised if someone in this character's line of work were to present with symtpoms of osteporosis or skin cancer. But, no matter what age-related malady is slowing this guy down, it's pretty funny to think of someone so gifted and powerful winded after a ninja fight or giving himself a pep talk in the mirror.

There's not an erectile dysfuntion one in here, but that's okay Andreas, we know even superheros can get Viagra.

Here's a little video about how Andreas makes the portriats; they're actually pretty large-and-in-charge. Watch!