Deciding what to do with your paycheck can be a lot of work, unless you're artist Evan Wondolowski. He used thousands of shredded strips of U.S. cash create his portrait series "Made of Money," which functions to demote money from a means of exchange to a means of expression in a symbolic stand against greed. That, or you could buy groceries …
Deciding what to do with your paycheck can be a lot of work, unless you're artist Evan Wondolowski. He used thousands of shredded strips of U.S. cash create his portrait series "Made of Money," which functions to demote money from a means of exchange to a means of expression in a symbolic stand against greed. That, or you could buy groceries …
Of course, the money used in these portraits is no longer valid as legal tender; (if it was, we'd be out buying so many Coors Lights with it), however its destruction has created a way to reconstitute a thing of value into something equally valuable, but in an entirely different way. Evan's subjects range from Barack Obama to Biggie Smalls to Stephen Colbert, all who symbolize a different relationship between society and cold hard cash in their own way.
Each portrait took about a month to make and is finished with vine charcoal to increase the contrast.
And, since we know you were wondering, you can buy shredded cash on eBay for $3.49. Just don't bring that shit to the strip club. Look:
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