Nir Arieli's new portrait series, "Men," makes the statement that women don't own vulnerability or crying (although the PMS-fueled rampages might suggest otherwise).

Nir Arieli's new portrait series, "Men," makes the statement that women don't own vulnerability or crying (although the PMS-fueled rampages might suggest otherwise).

The photographs capture the fleeting moments between beer farts and bromances in the everyday lives of men, where they exist as exposed, striking creatures wrought with a sensitivity they'd never dare to reveal. By placing men in soft, traditionally feminine postures and spaces, Nir highlights the characteristics that have become to be known as exclusive to womankind. Nir wrote to the Huffington Post,

In my work I try to expose a component of masculinity that was once oppressed by common social codes…Gentleness, uncensored emotion, vulnerability –- all of these became, under the influence of the social evolution, unnatural characteristics when manifested by men.

His subjects are men who freely and naturally expressed traits and body language associated with femininity, or ones who "proclaimed a new forthcomingness," explains Nir. The subjects and their strikingly exposed emotionality, which practically gushes out of your computer right onto your face, calls attention to the acceptable emotional confines men must exist within in society today. Check it.

"Man, I feel like a man."

It's kind of a weird double-edged sword men face today; society requires that they be tough, rugged, and unemotional. Yet in relationships, they're constantly asked by the partners to express more emotions and talk about their feelings. Man, it's hard being a man, and Arieli definitely nails that duality of expectations with this series.