
Last year more than 100,000 people moved to Colorado to experience all of the majestic shit it has to offer. With the boom in population, things like unwavering traffic buildups, scarcity of things once abundant to all, and a whole fuck-ton of people bitching and moaning about change has become commonplace. Denver and its surrounding areas are getting facelifts, fast … deal with it.

To show just how much the city's streets are going to be altered in the coming years to keep up with demand, Reddit user Ryan Keeney built 3D models of planned construction in Denver to show exactly what we can expect moving forward.

“I used Google Earth to create rough building polygons for all under-construction, approved, or likely to be approved development projects in downtown Denver,” he says. “I used as my primary source of information.

“We have a lot of look forward to as Denverites in the next two years! Our city is really booming!”



Union Station Redevelopment


Union Station Now

Union Station Future


Confluence Park




Five Points


15th Street


Civic Center


16th St. Mall / Pavillions


17th Street