One of these things is not like the other…and it's Bieber-obsessed Tony Sheldon's face. Get it, because it doesn't look like Justin Bieber's?

The LA-based "songwriter" has spent his entire life savings on plastic surgeries to help look more like a certain Canadian man-boy whose music we hate. Well…nice try!

Motivated by an irrational fear of aging, the 33 year-old has spent over $100,000 in the last five years on his transformation. So far, he's had hair implants, Aquamid injections, miscellaneous facial reconstruction operations, and 'smile surgery' to extend the corners of his mouth. "Y So Srs" surgery, if you will. Because, according to Tony, it's Justin's smile that gives him that irreverent youthful quality. We think it's the fact that he's 13 or something.

"My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from," Sheldon said. "And, after my eyelid surgery, I couldn't open my eyes for a week." Cool- we love to torture ourselves for no apparent gain, too! He also said, My friends shower me with compliments. They even call me Toby Bieber," so who knows how credible he is. Who knows if he cherry-picks friends with poor vision from the optometrist.  All that's certain is that he might need a new plastic surgeon soon.

Tony isn't the only person obsessed with insufferable pop stars…Check this guy out.