If you'd just been let off of charges you definitely did (ALLEGEDLY), what is it that you'd do in the days following the trial? Sigh a breath of relief and fade into the night, for some. For others, they choose to hold town halls on how not to get popped with those same accusations even though you definitely did it (ALLEGEDLY).

Enter Bill Cosby, America's used-to-be biggest star acting as a noble father figure on evening television in a program viewed religiously by over 30 million people nightly at one point in time (for context, Game of Thrones premieres have only gotten a third of that viewership on its biggest night). Lately, he's been battling for his literal life over the past few years ducking sexual assault allegations that were threatening to place him in prison for the remainder of his days. Recently, however, a jury of his peers let him off in a trial he was defending himself in against Andrea Constand, one of the few allegations that hadn't yet hit the statute of limitations (one juror acknowledging they let him off because Constand should have been "dressed properly" when going to Cosby's house on the night of the (ALLEGED) assault).

Which takes us to Mr. Cosby's future plans. Through a statement via two of his representatives, he will hold town halls — specifically geared toward young men who are athletes — on how to avoid sexual assault charges because of how the laws are changing in this country. 

"They need to know what they are facing when they are hanging out and partying, when they are doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing,” Cosby's representative Andrew Wyatt said on Good Day Alabama.

"This issue is bigger than Bill Cosby," he added.

Of course, anti-sexual violence organization's such as RAINN had something to say too.

“It would be more useful if Mr. Cosby would spend time talking with people about how not to commit sexual assault in the first place,” said Jodi Omear, an organization spokeswoman.

The talks (of which the first will be in Alabama) will be free and open to the public. Cosby's representatives claim that multiple organizations, including churches and civic organizations, have reached out to have him speak there. 

Though Dr. Huxtable isn't off the hook completely just yet. He is currently free on bail awaiting yet another trial, this one a redo after previous jurors couldn't make up their minds on whether or not to convict him of three other counts of aggravated indecent assault that (ALLEGEDLY) took place in 2004. 

All that aside though, The Cosby Show really was wholesome programming, wasn't it?