For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s a law of physics that applies to a lot more than just physics. And it’s a lesson that the state of Georgia is learning the hard way.

Back in May, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed into law one of the most restrictive and archaic abortion laws in the country, and now several of the world’s biggest film and television production companies (including Netflix and Disney) are threatening to cut their ties with the Peach State. Which would effectively kick them in the fiscal nuts.

Georgia’s new “Heartbeat bill,” which is the source of this contention, is a nauseating piece of legislation. It forbids abortions after the 6-week mark — as soon as the fetus’ heartbeat is detectable, and often times, long before the woman even knows she’s pregnant. After week 6 of pregnancy, an abortion is considered “criminal” and can result in up to ten years in prison…

Which is fucking Whack. And it’s exactly why Netflix, Disney, WarnerMedia, AMC Networks, NBC Universal and CBS are all “rethinking” their relationship with Georgia, threatening to cut the cord, pull out and fuck off from that bible-thumping southern incestate. These businesses don’t want to be associated with such an ass-backwards culture. They don’t want to financially support a state that’s so restricting women’s rights.

Or, more likely, these businesses want to make a public statement about their own moral integrity. They want some good publicity and they don’t mind alienating a few thousand southern bumpkins to get it.

And it would certainly make a statement. Last year film and television productions in Georgia were responsible for 92,100 jobs, $4.6 billion in total wages and an overall economic impact of $9.6 billion, according to the Motion Picture Association of America. That is not trivial. In fact, the Georgian film/TV industry has grown to become larger even than LA’s — earning it the apt nickname, “Y’allywood.”

But that all stands to change now. Especially if all of these production and media companies start yanking their businesses out like cords from an outlet. Georgia has a lot to lose here; these big film and tv companies have a lot of leverage over the state’s economy. And, apparently, they are not afraid to use it.

Celebrities like Jennifer Anniston have come forward in support of Netflix and the other companies considering leaving Georgia. And Governor Ned Lamont of Connecticut has even gone so far as to try and poach these film and TV production giants, inviting them to come to his state: “States that are adopting legislation that severely curb women’s reproductive rights are sending shockwaves across the country, including in the business community, and rightly so,” Lamont said. “We wholeheartedly agree with and support the position of these companies and urge them to consider Connecticut.”

Your move Georgia. Are you going to let some place like Connecticut swipe away your $9.6 billion film/tv production industry? Or is it worth it to uphold your draconian anti-abortion laws and lose all that sweet, sweet cash?

It's a matter of poriorities. 

Regardless, this is a good thing that these companies are putting a little economic pressure on Georgia, considering that legally speaking, there aren’t many alternatives. The lawmakers who crafted Georgia’s anti-abortion Heartbeat bill (as well as those who helped establish Alabama’s, Mississippi’s, Ohio’s and Missouri’s) did so with the intention of having the law legally disputed. These shiesty fuckers want their bills challenged so that they ascend to Supreme Court, which is overrun with conservative justices. Should that happen, it is totally possible that the Supreme Court sides with Georgian lawmakers on this and overturns Roe vs. Wade, making abortion illegal at a federal level.

These lawmakers are playing a game of chess and they don't seem to care whether or not they are harming Georgians in the process. Hopefully, Netflix, Disney and the rest of these production companies' money speaks louder to them than the will of their own People.