Now instead of needing meth to watch the entire series, you can maybe just smoke a little pot and take a nap afterward …

Breaking Bad is one of the greatest small-screen cinematic journeys of all time. OF ALL TIME! But it's 62 episodes long, which is damn near two full days of watching television if you started now and continued to watch back to back. Of course, if you are a marathon kind of person, you should go for the complete series DVD offered with discount by DVD Planet and rejoice with your entertainment unit.

However, experiencing the award winning series again doesn't have to be a chore, because a few enterprising fanatics already did the heavy lifting for you. Lucas Stoll and Gaylor Morestin cut through all the unnecessary filler and reduced the entire series into an easily digestible 2 hour and 7 minute feature length movie. 

They call the release "a study project that became an all-consuming passion." It reportedly took them over 2 years to clip and paste all the exciting episodes down to the story's cornerstone theme. 

"It's not a fan-film, hitting the highlights of the show in a home-made homage," the two said, "but rather a re-imagining of the underlying concept itself, lending itself to full feature-length treatment. An alternative Breaking Bad, to be viewed with fresh eyes."

So instead of trying to find a small baggie of meth to take while binging on the entire series again, maybe you can just smoke a little weed and take a nap afterwards. Be sure to thank Stoll and Morestin for having your health in mind the entire time it took to make their creative reduction.

[UPDATE] Due to the obvious nature of copyright infringement, most copies of the video have been taken down. To view it, you can always go to one of those sketchy spam sites, but we'd advise against that if you enjoy your computer. If and when we hear more about the release of the video, we'll be sure to embed it for your viewing pleasure.