A bougie private practice nutritionist in NYC went on record recently saying that pizza is healthier to eat for breakfast than cereal.

Nutritionist Chelsey Amer told USA Today that pizza’s composition of carbohydrates, proteins and fats kick cereal’s high sugar, low protein make-up in the ass (not quite her words, but same diff).

And it makes sense. The general consensus is that pizza is an “unhealthy” food, but break down the layers and you have crust/carbs, tomato sauce/vitamins, and cheese/fats. LIVESTRONG writes, “A cup of tomato sauce contains a quarter of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A and fulfills half of your daily need for vitamin C. Tomatoes are also naturally rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Depending on how it's prepared, tomato sauce also provides fiber.”

Take that green juice.  

Of course, the scale of how healthy a pizza can be is dependent on the quality of ingredients. Ordering a Dominos at 7:00 a.m. every morning might not give you the best supply of carbs, vitamins or fats as compared to, say, an Amy’s Kitchen pizza, which is made with organic tomatoes (pesticide-free, meaning you’ll get a dose of cancer-fighting lycopene!) and no refined wheat or sugar.

But healthy pizza often tastes like pizza, so no need to sound any alarm.

However, if a healthier ‘za option is unavailable, what nutritionist Amer said indicates that even a Dominos pie would be healthier than pouring a bowl of cereal.

Because sugar.

"Food Politics" published a paper that showed popular cereal brands pack more sweetness than cakes and cookies. One Kellogg’s breakfast cereal, for instance, is 56 percent sugar by weight, and a single serving (nobody eats only a serving) packs more sugar than a Hostess Twinkie. Any guesses which cereal it is? Drum rol … Kellogg’s Honey Smacks. As for other popular cereal brands, the paper showed any of the 44 popular breakfast cereals have more sugar than three Chips Ahoy! Cookies, and fail to meet the federal government’s proposed voluntary guidelines for foods nutritious enough to be marketed to children.

The paper also suggests replacing sugary cereal with fruits and homemade oatmeal — but let’s be honest that probably won’t happen … especially if you’re trying to convince your kids (or your inner child) to make the swap. Swapping pizza however …

Amer made sure to add caution she's "not saying that we should go out and eat pizza every day for breakfast. We should follow our cravings. If that’s what you are craving, it can prevent you from eating an entire pie later on."

So the moral of the story: a slice or two of real-ingredient pizza is healthier than a sugary name-brand cereal — OR: if you really like to watch the world burn, eat an entire Dominos and a box of Kellogg’s Honey Smacks every morning until the end of your days. R.I.Pizza.  

[cover photo Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels]