If this is a possible outcome when it comes to drinking Bud Light, smack us on the ass and call us Charlie because we'll drink that horse's piss any day of the week to run this course.
Sure sipping Bud Light is about as glorious as sipping the nipple of a bovine animal but just imagine, each time you put that refreshing bottle to your mouth, you could be immediately entered into a "Up For Whatever" adventure to god knows where. For this year's 2015 super bowl, Bud Light upped the ante by spending its millions erecting a real-size Pac-Man game and then taking a lonely, drunk male individual who unfortunately was drinking Bud Light and transplanting him into the middle of the game. Slightly inebriated and running to the beat of a wicked dubstep track, the young man runs for his life, sweating like a whore in church — or man who just entered a real-life Pac-Man game. In the end, the bastard sucks wind and gets eaten by the pellets.
Honestly, if this is a possible outcome when it comes to drinking Bud Light, smack us on the ass and call us Charlie because we'll drink that horse's piss any day of the week to run this course.
Last year, Bud Light purchased all of Crested Butte (For a surprisingly inexpensive price of $250,000), painted it blue and called it Whatever Town, USA. Fuck, that's pretty awesome. We'll give it to you Bud Light, you know how to spend all of the revenue those underage drinkers keep dropping on thirty racks and for this, we thank you.
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