"I like sesame chicken sometimes … "
Shoe size:
Best Chinese food dish:
I like sesame chicken sometimes.
Is there significance to the characters in your work?
Yes. Each character represents different faces of myself and my surroundings. I always like to say that the heart-boy character I draw is just me in action. So whenever I draw him, he's doing crazy things that I do, or wish I could do. Also other characters act as support or sorrow, and they typically represent hardships and also the good times.
Do you think the Colorado culture has influenced your art?
I can't really say that it has! A lot of my art is mainly influenced by Japanese culture and living. I really enjoy how it operates. Colorado culture has never been something fluent to me, but I do appreciate how it easily understands my art.
Any advice for aspiring artists?
Have fun with it! It's whatever you want it to be.
Which artists do you appreciate on both a local and national level?
I appreciate many many artists, especially all of my friends and family because they're the closest artist to me. Pyra, Stagename, Jay Love, Javontheunique, Aqua.D, A.J Rose, the guys at Station Co., and so many more!
I like all the energy my friends bring, I can definitely appreciate all of the things they do. On a national level, people like Takashi Murakami, Kaws, Hayao Miyazaki, and a wide range of superflat and pop artist.
Where would you like to take your art and brand?
Two different places: I want my art to go everywhere, to be seen everywhere. I want people to really feel it and take it in, and see it as I do. My brand, I just want it to be able to support my art.
Shameless plug:
My mom. (Visit Crispysz: @Instagram.com/crispysz)
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