These days, pretty much every college degree is a useless formality designed to tear money from the decrepit hands of your dearly departed grandfather who's paying for your education posthumously. It seems like no classes have practical applications anymore … except one lone offering from academia that's designed to fuel your own self-aggrandizing ego by teaching you the fine art of autophotography.

These days, pretty much every college degree is a useless formality designed to tear money from the decrepit hands of your dearly departed grandfather who's paying for your education posthumously. It seems like no classes have practical applications anymore … except one lone offering from academia that's designed to fuel your own self-aggrandizing ego by teaching you the fine art of autophotography. Selfie class, for those who skipped English.

Because while you could be learning to build nuclear reactors or how the Chinese empire evolved around 453 B.C., that shit is useless. Use. Less.  The only thing that matters today is that the light hits your duck lips in a way that screams, "I am a fancy-free young adult traveling Southeast Asia on a journey find my own vapid identity! Shiver me Tinders!"

Thank god that City Lit, an adult-education college in London, has caught on to this dire void in the education system. They're now offering a photography class called “The art of self portraiture," for those who simply aren't satisfied the current selfie model that stresses sticking your phone in front of your face and peace-signing your way into internet infamy.

No; the selfie class will probe ever further into the depths of millennial identity crisis by improving student's "critical understanding of the photographic self-portrait." Selfie slaves will learn about the theory and practice behind the ancient art, as well as use the class  as a platform to develop ideas towards the creation of a coherent body of work. Like what, making a Tumblr? This is the apocalypse.

Furthermore, potential students must demonstrate their undying commitment for selfies by being wealthy enough to own a digital SLR camera; no shoddy iPhone photography here. Students must also be well-versed in non-Instagram photography; a knowledge of basic photography principles is a prerequisite for world of academic selfies.

Besides taking selfies to reaffirm their own existences, students will also need to participate in lectures, presentations, seminars, discussions and group work. It costs about $200.

Now if they could only create a class called "The Art of the Instagram Food Photo." Chapter 1: Don't.

And now, in honor of this revolutionary class, here are a few people who we really think should enroll …