With just one push of the button, you can turn your drab social setting into fucking late-night Ibiza. Why has no one thought of this before?!
Office meeting. Pier dedication ceremony. Baby shower. Circumcision.These are all things that could be infinitely improved were they a wild, pulsating party.
Thank god YouTube user Plasma2002 spent $600 dollars to create an "Emergency Party Button," a handy device that, at the push of a button, turns your drab social setting into fucking late-night Ibiza. Why has no one thought of this before!?
When you press the button, the following things happen.
Lights outs.
Mp3 of Haddaway's "What is Love?" starts blasting.
Fog machine.
It's so convenient, so easy. All you need is a functioning digit and a craving for fun, and before you know it, your stupid monthly book club becomes Club 54.
Perfect for first dates and those times when your roommate tries to tell you it's time to move out. The only thing that's movin' is your body to the music! SHIT YEAH.
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