We've seen lots of things after a heavy night, but nothing like this …
We've woken up to a lot of questionable things after a long night of heavy drinking. Stacks of ATM receipts, garden gnome dance parties and strangers from the bar are just a few — but we've never woken up to majestic forrest fauna trying to tug off our pants. This story is on a whole new level of incredible.
As Evening Standard reports, Steve Gould, from Thurrock in Essex, was out throwing back cases with his buddies one night and got entirely too obliterated to drive. So naturally, he jumped on public transport to get home, but unfortunately passed out on the train and missed his stop. After finding a bus stop to head back, he passed out. A few hours later he says he was woken up by a friendly fox yanking at his pants.
"I passed out, basically," says Gould. "About an hour later I woke up and looked down and there's a fox chewing my trainer and my trousers.
"He didn't even blink. He just looked up at me as if to say 'what am I doing wrong?'
It wasn't a full on attack of his manhood or anything, as he says the fox was cordial enough to be gentle.
"He wasn't trying to bite me," Gould continues "It was like he was pulling my trousers to say 'come with me' or trying get them off."
We're impressed he was coherent enough to grab his phone and snap the photo before it ran off instead of jerking his leg back in reflex — though when you've a head full of booze the only things running through your head are often where to get the next drink and how many photos can I take of this moment.
Gould adds: "It was just the most remarkable thing I've ever seen. It's up there with my best ever experiences, most definitely."
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