Remember that S&M dungeon in New York we went to in 1973? Neither do we, but Robert Mapplethorpe does.
Remember that S&M dungeon in New York we went to in 1973? Neither do we, but Robert Mapplethorpe does.
Do you need a quick and dirty intro to remind you who Robert Mapplethorpe is? Chances are you don't. Chances are you know he's famous for documenting New York's S&M scene in the '70's, and that he and Patti Smith spent years fucking and making art in the Chelsea Hotel. Chances are you're familiar with his foray into photography via his first solo gallery exhibition, called "Polaroids." That's where these photos came from. That's right, it's all coming together.
So, without further adieu, let's take a quick and dirty stroll through some of his early work, you know, for fun.
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