These days, you can't just go and release an album. If you want it to get any sort of attention, you have to find a way to covertly release in on a platform that is both technologically relevant and random enough that its magical appearence shocks people. Beyonce did it with iTunes. U2 did it with the iOS8 update. And now, Everclear is doing it with … wait, Windows 10? … The fuck?

These days, you can't just go and release an album. If you want it to get any sort of attention, you have to find a way to covertly release in on a platform that is both technologically relevant and random enough that its magical appearance shocks people. Beyonce did it with iTunes. U2 did it with the iOS8 update. And now, Everclear is doing it with … wait, Windows 10? … The fuck?

There are a few problems with this.

First, Everclear is still a band? We could have sworn to the music gods that Everclear was our favorite eye drop brand or a dangerous rectified spirit these days. But no, Everclear is, in fact, still swimming out past the breakers and watching the world die, and they're all still alive and moving.

Second, their target audience is Windows 10 users? So, DMV employees? What?

Third … Okay, it's fake. It's a Funny or Die video. But it's funny enough that it could be true, and Everclear does have a particular Windows 10-like quality to them, so … we're going to pretend it's real whether you like it or not.

Here's the glorious thing: