Analysis shows that 20 to 29-year-olds are particularly at risk for death …

There are exactly 364 days in the year where people couldn't care about you any less. Those days envelope what's called a "birthday" — an arbitrary celebration of the day you decided to leave your mother's warm womb for a wretched, conscious reality of existence. This particular day is yours for exactly 24 hours. You can act however you want, sleep with whomever you want, and drink your water weight in tequila with complete impunity.

Except for that whole dying thing. Death really enjoys fucking up people's fun, apparently, as you're more likely to die on your birthday than any other day in the year.

No, you can't have anything nice. That's life, and you're going to deal with it.

Based on the analysis of over 25 million deaths between 1998 and 2011, a few researchers found that a person's probability of leaving this planet is 6.7 percent higher on a birthday than not. Which doesn't sound like a huge variable to be frightened about, unless of course you consider that 20 to 29-year-olds are particularly at risk of succumbing to the turn up.

According to the Washington Post, people falling into the 20-29 age gap had an 'excess death rate' (or what's considered 'above expected') of 25.4 percent. That rate almost doubled to 48.3 percent when their birthdays happened to fall on the weekend.

The info doesn't take into consideration (because the data isn't available from its source) of exactly how everyone died that was examined, but a 'weekend variable' suggests there might be too much excess of something that doesn't agree with one's body, drunk driving, or just being stupid hanging off of a balcony while playing Russian Roulette or something equally Instaworthy.

A previous study — one that gathered data from more than 2 million deaths between 1969 and 2008 — found that strokes and heart attacks rose by about 20 percent on birthdays for people over the age of 60. It also found that suicides rose close to 40 percent and 'deaths from falls' were up 44 percent.

Party on, Wayne.