Toronto’s dopest trio dishes on saying “I love you” and what they had for breakfast, specifically.

Hey look, we made it to another day. How are you all feeling right now?
Feelin good man!

What did you have for breakfast?
Had a smoothie! Almond butter, hemp protein, almond milk, cacao powder, banana … quite delicious.

Without looking, take a guess on how many cities you’ve played to over the years.
Oh man. Probably well over 100. That could even be conservative. 

Who was the last person you said ‘I love you’ to?
This a.m. one of my cats was sleeping on my chest, and I had to get up and pull her off me, and at that point I said, ‘Sorryyyy Fionaaaa I love uuuuu.’

Like any other job, do you ever get sick of music?
Yeah sometimes you just need to hear silence, especially when you’ve been listening to the same loop all day.

Out of the three of you, who’s the worst driver?

You’re trying to enter a building and the person ahead of you doesn’t hold the door: what do you do?
Nothing to be honest. I’ll just open the door myself. I get super annoyed when I hold a door for someone and they walk through like they were owed the door being held open for them. It’s not that I need a parade of thank yous. It’s just nice when people aren’t entitled pieces of … just something like a head nod or even a smize or something! I’m not even asking for a full smile, just a smize! 

When you play in Colorado, exactly how much weed is consumed?
A lot. But we can’t go too crazy cause we do always have to put on a show. 

What are the TV shows you’re binging right now?
Black Mirror, Manhunt, Vice Principals, new Curb Your Enthusiasm, Insecure

Any future projects dropping soon you want us to know about?
Ya, we are releasing our first ever full length album. It’s called CURA and we are super proud of it. It’s our best work to date and we feel like it’s marking a new more soulful, more musical chapter for us.

Favorite part about being a prominent musician?
Free La Croix.

Streaming music: Are you for or against it?
I don’t think we’d be here if people weren’t streaming music. So I guess that would make me for it.

Who would you like to see as the next president of the U.S.?
Someone progressive who will actually get the money out of your political system. Like actually do it.

Final Words:
Peep our new album cause it’s a wave and so is the new show! Can’t wait to play Colorado!

See them in Colorado:
Thursday, Feb 8 @ Aggie Theatre // Friday, Feb 9 @ Boulder Theater // Saturday, Feb 10 @ Belly Up Aspen