Kasbo is a hard-hitting, soft-natured DJ of the electronic chillwave persuasion. And for the next few months, he's on tour in support of his newest drop, the debut album Places We Don't Know — an electrifying addition to an already superb collection of singles.  

Before heading out on the road (and hitting up the Fox Theatre in Boulder, Colorado, for an already sold out appearance), the prolific producer sat down with Rooster Magazine to play Final Word[s], the newest and only music feature to ever exist in the entire world and probably the universe. 

What was the last thing you did before sitting down to answer our questions?
"Got back from Target buying stuff for the place I'm staying at in LA the next 2 months. It needed some sprucing up, so I bought like 15 scented candles."

What was the last thing you ate?
"Mac n Cheese with meatballs."

Tell us about your last time being nervous before an appearance. 
"Kind of nervous right now; I have a radio interview tomorrow, hope I don't stutter."

What was your last job before making music a full-time gig? 
"I was working as a sandpaperer(??) at Volvo one summer. My job was literally to sandpaper the frame of the cars to remove any small defects that pretty much no one would notice. Did that 12 hours a day in a huge grey wearhouse. Inspired a lot of motivation to work hard in music [laughs]."

What song or performance was the last time you were exceptionally proud of yourself?
"Probably one in Louisiana that I did on the Slow Magic tour. The show was the same night as this huge electronic festival in the city, so there were maybe 50 people at the show — one of my biggest fears. But before I went on I kinda just told myself to make the best out of it and went on confidently and adapted to the scenario. Both me and the people there had an amazing time I felt."

Last time you got road rage?
"I don't have a license [laughs]."

"The last time a stranger was kind to me was … "
"On my flight to the U.S. I was sitting next to this dad who was about to visit his daughter at her college. He was just so nice to me and genuinely interested in what my life was like, it was really heartwarming. I get really emotional when strangers are kind."

"If it was my last day on Earth, I would … " 
"Probably watch the entire Harry Potter series again."

"The last book I read was ____ and it was ____."
"I didn't finish it yet, but I'm reading Yuval Noah Harari's 'Sapiens.' It's extremely interesting hearing about the history of humans in such an in-depth but also pedagogic way."

When was the last time you were starstruck and why?
"I saw José Gonzalez at my studio in Gothenburg a few months ago, which isn't too weird cause it's his main studio, but I was still so stunned when I saw him there. He's made one of my all-time favorite songs (covers) 'Heartbeats.' He's a Gothenburg legend."

The last musician that really impressed you?
"Niklas Paschburg. This piano player/producer from Germany; he just released this album that is extremely soothing. He's 22 but sounds like he's been in the game for 30 years."

What are the lasting impressions you want to leave on an audience?
"A feeling like they've just been in another world."

[cover photo Jason Siegel]