We know, we’re suckers for free stuff too. That’s why we expect a type of finders fee for giving you the heads up on Eliot Lipp’s new album “Watch The Shadows,” available for nothing more than a few clicks right now through Pretty Lights Music.

We know, we’re suckers for free stuff too. That’s why we expect a type of finders fee for giving you the heads up on Eliot Lipp’s new album “Watch The Shadows,” available for nothing more than a few clicks right now through Pretty Lights Music. While you’re there you can even pick up his first full-length album “Shark Wolf Rabbit Snake,” if you haven’t already.

Via a recent press release, Lipp talk about the inspiration for the new LP:

"I was listening to an old jazz song and this one lyric & melody were really jumping out at me,” he says. “I traced the melody all the way back to very early Spanish folk music from the 1500s. The way the melody had survived and evolved over such a long period of time really amazed me.  It made me want to make modern music that pays respect to the endless forgotten beauty of the past, and at the same time, adds to the not yet discovered inspiration of the future."

Featured artists on the album include Nick Bockrath of Cage the Elephant, who plays guitar on “Future Forest” and “Ain’t No Guarantee.”  

Watch The Shadows Tracklist:

1. Watch the Shadows
2. Still Life
3. The Western (feat. Cherub)
4. Future Forest
5. The Air
6. Ain't No Guarantee
7. Temporary Residence
8. Fresh (feat. SuperVision)
9. Like a Ghost
10. Strangers Getting Stranger