Playboy has done a lot of boundary-pushing things in its 63-year history.

… Things like taking away all the nudie photos, for example. That pushed our boundaries so far they landed at the YouPorn homepage.

But now, they're featuring something that's arguably more boundary-pushing and controversial than ever before: a hijab. And not even like, a sexy hijab — just a brilliant, driven woman wearing one.

Noor Tagouri, a 22-year-old Newsy journalist, will become the first woman ever to don a hijab in the magazine. She's in there as part of Playboy's annual Renegades issue, a spread dedicated to risk-takers and rule-breakers who the magazine claims "will change how you think about business, music, porn, comedy, gaming and more."

Born in West Virginia, Tagouri “makes a surprising bold case for modesty,” Playboy said in its article. “As a badass activist with a passion for demanding change and asking the right questions, accompanied by beauty-ad-campaign looks, Tagouri forces us to ask ourselves why we have such a hard time wrapping our minds around a young woman who consciously covers her head and won’t take no for an answer."

But Tagouri, who graduated from college at age 20, isn't stopping at the Playboy spread. She's got a clear goal that reaches well-beyond the magazine's glossy pages: become America’s first hijabi news anchor on cable TV.

From the looks of things, that shouldn't be a problem: the Libyan-American's already got a horde of devoted YouTube fans and has more than 150,000 followers on Instagram. She also just gave her first Tedx Talk on the subject of identity and rebellion, stating that, "I believe in rebellion as a form of honesty. To be our most authentic self is to be rebellious."

Rebellious is exactly how many people from her Muslim community see her, but she says she's also found that her work as a journalist and her open discussion about identity has helped her gain the trust and respect of far more supportive Muslims than detractive ones.

“I know what it’s like to have the narrative of our community be skewed and exploited in the media,” she told Playboy. "I know what it’s like to be misrepresented in the media. I won’t do that to you. I want to tell your story because it’s important and deserves justice.”

Of course, some idiots have attacked Tagouri for her conservative appearance in the magazine, but she told Playboy she simply doesn't give two flying shits. “It’s just negative energy and unhealthy,” she said.

Tagouri's Playboy feature is a huge deal in a country debilitated by Islamophobia; one that reductively and mistakenly equates the word "Muslim" with "explosion." And, as we've seen with the current presidential election, one that's made xenophobia and misogyny a central platform.

The fact that a Muslim woman is finally being praised for her groundbreaking work and bold shattering of expectations, rather than criticized for belonging to a religion us Americans know very little about, is massively progressive — especially for Playboy, a magazine that's long been associated with female objectification. So rarely are we given the opportunity to hear the Muslim point of view, and even less often do we experience the female side of it, that you're certifiably nuts if you feel anything but lucky for the opportunity to listen to what she has to say.

Whether you agree or disagree with the beliefs of certain sects of her religion is irrelevant; what matters is that, if we as a country have any hope of defeating the rampant bigotry and ignorance that hold us back from progress, we hear from and interact with people who are different from us. Without some sort of exposure or integration to people whose beliefs and lifestyles differ from our own, we're crystallized in the sort of idiocy that leads to statements like "I'm going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it."

And that, ladies and gents, is why this Tagouri thing is so cool. Well played, Playboy.